[/snæp; snæp/] v (-pp-) 用法: 1 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (cause sth to) break suddenly with a sharp noise (使某物)断裂并发出尖利声音: He stretched the rubber band till it snapped. 他把橡皮筋啪的一声拉断了. * Suddenly the branch that he was standing on snapped off. 他踩著的树枝突然啪的一声折断了. * The great weight snapped the metal bar (in two). 重量很大把金属杆喀吧一声压成两截了. * (fig 比喻) After years of hard work and poverty, he finally snapped, ie had a nervous breakdown, fell ill, etc. 他多年劳累和贫困终因体力不支而病倒. 用法: 2 [La, Ip, Tn, Tn.p, Cn.a] open or close (sth) with a sudden sharp noise; (cause sth to) make a sudden sharp noise 打开或关闭(某物)并突然发出尖利声音; (使某物)突然发出尖利声音: The box snapped open. 箱子啪的一声打开了. * The circus manager snapped his whip. 马戏团主管把鞭子抽得很响. * He snapped down the lid of the box. 他砰的一声把箱子盖合上了. * She snapped her bag shut. 她喀哒一声把提包关上了. * The shark snapped its jaws shut. 鲨鱼啪嗒一声把嘴合上了. 用法: 3 [I, Tn] speak or say (sth) in a sharp (usu angry) voice 厉声说(话)(通常指生气时): `Come here at once,' she snapped. 她高声喊道: `快过来!' * He never speaks calmly just snaps all the time. 他从来不心平气和地说话--总是高声喊叫. 用法: 4 [Tn] (infml) take a quick photograph of (sb) (很快地)给(某人)拍照: I snapped you sunbathing on the beach. 我给你拍了一张海滩日光浴的照片. 用法: 5 (idm 习语) bite/snap sb's head off => head1. snap one's `fingers make a clicking noise by moving the second or third finger quickly against the thumb (eg to attract sb's attention, mark the beat of music, etc) 打榧子(用食指或中指捻碰拇指发声, 如为引人注意或打音乐拍子等): He snapped his fingers to attract the waiter. 他打了个榧子招呼服务员. ,snap to at`tention come quickly and smartly to the position of attention(4) 利落地立正. ,snap `to it ?b(infml) (usu as a command 通常作命令语) start moving, working, etc quickly; hurry up 快走; 快干; 赶快: `I want those bricks moved; come on, snap to it!' `那些砖得搬走; 来呀, 快!' ,snap `out of it (infml) (often as a command 常作命令语) get (quickly) out of a (usu bad, unhappy, etc) mood (迅速)摆脱某种(通常指坏的、 不愉快的...)情绪. 用法: 6 (phr v) snap at sb speak to sb sharply and rudely 厉声对某人说: `Shut up!' she snapped (back) at him. `住嘴!'她厉声顶(回)了他一句. * I'm sorry I snapped at you just now. 对不起, 我刚才不该对你嚷嚷. snap at sth try to grasp sth with the teeth by closing them quickly and sharply around it 一下子咬住: The fish snapped at the bait. 那鱼一下子咬住了鱼饵. * (fig 比喻) They snapped at (ie accepted eagerly) the chance of a cheap holiday. 他们欣然抓住这一少花钱度假的机会. snap sth out exclaim sth in a sharp or unpleasant way 厉声喊出: The sergeant snapped out an order. 中士大声发出命令. snap sth up buy or seize sth quickly and eagerly 抢购或迅速抓取某物: The cheapest articles at the sale were quickly snapped up. 大减价货物中最便宜的物品很快抢购一空. snap 2 [/snæp; snæp/] n 用法: 1 [C] act or sound of snapping (物体)断裂、 开或关(的声音); (人)厉声说(的)话; 拍照(的快门声); 突然咬住(的声音): The dog made an unsuccessful snap at the meat. 那条狗没咬住肉. * The lid shut with a snap. 盖子啪嗒一声合上了. * The oar broke with a snap. 桨喀吧一声断了. 用法: 2 [C] short spell or period of (usu cold) weather 一阵(通常指寒冷的)天气: There was a cold snap after Christmas. 圣诞节後出现一段寒冷天气. 用法: 3 (also snapshot) [C] photograph (usu one taken quickly with a hand-held camera) 照片(通常指用手提照相机拍摄的): She showed us her holidaysnaps. 她给我们看了她假期的照片. 用法: 4 (usu in compounds通常用以构成复合词) type of small crisp biscuit 小的脆饼乾: `ginger-snaps 姜味饼乾 * `brandy-snaps 白兰地酒味饼乾. 用法: 5 Snap [U] (Brit) card game in which players call out `Snap' when two similar cards are laid down together 喊`对儿'纸牌游戏(亮出相同两张牌时, 玩牌者竞先喊出`对儿'): play a game of Snap 玩喊`对儿'游戏. 用法: 6 [sing] (US infml) thing that is easy to do 轻而易举的事: This job's a snap. 这件工作很容易做. snap 3 adj [attrib 作定语] (infml) done, made, etc quickly and with little or no warning 匆忙的; 仓促的: a snap election 临时的选举 * take a snap vote 匆匆表决 * a snap decision 仓促的决定. snap 4 interj (Brit infml) 用法: 1 (said in the game of Snap2(5) when one notices that two similar cards have been laid down 玩喊`对儿'纸牌游戏(Snap2(5))时, 见到相同两张牌时的呼喊声). 用法: 2 (said to draw attention to the similarity of two things 见到相同两事物时, 说snap以引起注意): Snap! You've got the same shoes as me. 嘿! 你的鞋跟我的一模一样. snap 5 adv with a snapping sound 伴有断裂、 开或关等声音: Suddenly the oar went snap, ie made a snapping sound as it broke. 桨突然啪的一声断了. |