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单词 sneak 1
释义 [/sniːk; snik/] v

1 [I, Ipr] ~ (on sb) (to sb) (Brit infml derog 口, 贬) (used esp by children 尤为儿童用语) tell an adult about the faults, wrongdoings, etc of another child 告状; 打小报告:
She sneaked on her best friend to the teacher. 她向老师告了她最好的朋友一状.

2 [Tn] (infml) take (sth) secretly (often without permission) 偷偷地做(某事)或取(某物)(常指未获许可):
sneak a chocolate from the box 从盒子里偷拿一块巧克力 *
sneak a look at the Christmas presents 朝圣诞礼物偷看一眼.

3 (phr v) sneak into, out of, past, etc sth; sneak in, out, away, back, past, etc go quietly and secretly in the direction specified 悄悄地走(向某处); 溜:
He stole the money and sneaked out of the house. 他偷了钱後从房子里溜了出去. *
The cat ate the food and sneaked off. 猫吃完食物就偷偷跑了. sneak up (on sb/sth) approach quietly, staying out of sight until the last moment 悄悄接近然後突然出现:
James loves sneaking up on his sister to frighten her. 詹姆斯喜欢溜到妹妹身後吓她一大跳. =>Usage at prowl 用法见 prowl. sneak 2
n (infml) cowardly deceitful person (esp one who informs on others) 怯懦而惯於欺骗的人(尤指告密者). sneak 3
adj [attrib 作定语] acting or done without warning; secret and unexpected 出其不意的; 秘密而突如其来的:
a sneak attack 偷袭 *
a sneak preview 不公开试映 *
a sneak look at a letter 偷看信.





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