[/səˈprɑːnəu; US -ˈpræn-; səˋpræno/] n (pl ~s /-nEUz; -noz/) 用法: 1 singing voice of the highest range for a woman or boy 女高音; 男童声最高音: [attrib 作定语] a soprano voice 女高音. 用法: 2 (a) singer with such a voice 女高音歌手; 高音部男童声歌手: The sopranos sang beautifully. 那些女高音歌手的歌声很美妙. (b) musical part written for such a voice 乐曲的高音部: [attrib 作定语] a difficult soprano part 难唱的高音部. 用法: 3 musical instrument with a range about that of a soprano 高音乐器. soprano 2 adv with a soprano voice 以最高音: She sings soprano. 她唱高音. |