[/ˈspɑːkl; ˋspɑrkl/] v [I, Ipr] ~ (with sth) 用法: 1 shine brightly with flashes of light 闪耀; 闪烁: Her diamonds sparkled in the candle-light. 她的钻石在烛光中闪闪发亮. * pavements sparkling with frost 冰霜闪耀的人行道 * Her eyes sparkled with excitement. 她目光闪烁显露出激动的神情. 用法: 2 be full of life and wit 活力和才智焕发; 活跃: She was really sparkling (with happiness) at the wedding. 在婚礼上她(幸福得)容光焕发. * She always sparkles at parties. 在聚会上她总是神采奕奕. sparkle 2 n [U, C] effect made by sparkling (sparkle 1, 2); act of sparkling 光亮; 活力; 闪光: the sparkle of sunlight on snow 阳光照射在雪上的闪光 * There was a sudden sparkle as the fireworks were lit. 烟火点燃後火花迸发. * a performance that lacked sparkle 缺乏生气的表演. |