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单词 splash 1
释义 [/splæʃ; splæʃ/] v

1 [Tn,, Tn.p] ~ sth (about) (on/onto/over sb/sth); ~ sb/sth (with sth) cause (a liquid) to fly about in drops; make sb/sth wet in this way 使(液体)溅起; 溅湿某人[某物]:
Stop splashing me! 别再溅我了! *
splash water on/over the floor 把水洒在地板上 *
splash paint onto the canvas 把颜料泼在画布上 *
splash the floor with water 用水把地板泼湿 *
splash water about 四处泼水 *
The children love splashing water over each other. 儿童喜欢互相泼水. =>Usage at spray2 用法见spray2.

2 [I, Ipr, Ip] (of a liquid) fly about and fall in drops (指液体)溅落:
Water splashed into the bucket from the tap. 水从龙头里喷溅著注入水桶中. *
The rain splashed down all day. 雨 里啪啦下了一整天.

3 [usu passive 通常用於被动语态:
Tn,] ~ sth (with sth) decorate sth with large or irregular patches of colour, paint, etc 以大片的或不规则的颜色等装饰某物:
a bath towel splashed with blue and green 有绿色和蓝色大花的浴巾.

4 [, Tn.p] ~ sth (about) (across, on, etc sth) (a) display (a news story, photograph, etc) prominently 显眼地展示(新闻报道、 照片等):
The story was splashed across the front page of the newspaper. 这篇报道刊登在报纸头版显著位置.
(b) spend (money) freely and ostentatiously 大手大脚地花(钱):
He thinks he can win friends by splashing his money about. 他以为花钱大方就可以赢得朋友.

5 (phr v) splash about (in sth) sit or stand in water and make it fly about with one's hands or feet (坐在或站在水里)用手或脚溅水:
children happily splashing about in the bath 在浴缸里快活地溅著水玩的孩子. splash across, along, away, through, etc move across, etc with a splashing noise 带著泼溅声走过等:
We splashed (our way) across the stream. 我们哗啦哗啦地 尚过小河. *
She splashed through the puddles. 她哗哗地 尚过水坑. splash down (esp of a spacecraft) land in water with a splash (尤指宇宙飞船)溅落:
The spacecraft splashed down in the Pacific. 那艘宇宙飞船溅落在太平洋中. splash out (on sth) (infml) spend money (on sth) in an impulsive or a carefree way 心血来潮地或随意地花钱(於某事物上):
She splashed out on a new pair of shoes. 她心血来潮买了一双新鞋. splash 2

1 (sound or act of) splashing 溅泼声; 溅泼:
He fell into the water with a splash. 他扑通一声跌入水中.

2 mark, spot, etc made by splashing 溅上的斑点 等:
There are some splashes of mud on your trousers. 你的裤子溅上泥点了.

3 amount of liquid splashed 溅泼的量:
splashes of water all over the floor 溅得一地板的水.

4 bright patch of colour 鲜艳的色斑:
Her dog is brown with white splashes. 她的狗是带白花的黄狗.

5 (dated Brit infml 旧, 口) small quantity of a liquid, esp of soda-water, added to a drink (搀入饮料中的)少量液体(尤指苏打水).

6 (idm 习语) make, etc a `splash (infml) do sth or happen in such a way as to attract attention, create a sensation, etc 惹人注目; 引起轰动:
She has made quite a splash in literary circles with her first book. 她的第一本书在文学界大为轰动. *
Their engagement created a terrific splash in the popular press. 他俩订婚的事在广受欢迎的新闻界极为轰动.





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