[/spʌndʒ; spʌndʒ/] n 用法: 1 [C] type of simple sea animal with a light elastic body-structure full of holes that can absorb water easily 海绵. 用法: 2 [C, U] (part of) one of these, or a substance of similar texture, used for washing, cleaning or padding (用作清洗工具或衬垫物的)海绵, 海绵状物: a large bath sponge, ie for washing one's body in the bath 洗澡用的大块海绵 * filled with sponge 内填海绵的 * [attrib 作定语] sponge rubber 泡沫橡胶. 用法: 3 [C] piece of absorbent material, eg gauze, used in surgery (外科用的)吸水物(如纱布). 用法: 4 [C esp sing 尤作单数] act of cleaning, wiping, etc with a sponge; sponging 用海绵或吸水物进行的清洗、 擦拭等: She gave the floor a vigorous sponge all over. 她用海绵把地板 使劲儿擦了一遍. 用法: 5 [C, U] = sponge-cake: Would you like some more sponge? 你再来点海绵蛋糕好吗? 用法: 6 (idm 习语) throw up the sponge (infml) admit that one is defeated 认输. sponge 2 v 用法: 1 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sb/oneself/sth (down) wipe, wash or clean sb/oneself/sth with a sponge 用海绵或海绵状物擦拭或清洗某人[自己/某物]: sponge a wound 用海绵擦洗伤口 * He sponged down the car to remove the shampoo. 他用海绵把汽车上的洗涤剂擦掉了. 用法: 2 [I, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (from sb) (infml) get (money, etc) from sb without giving or intending to give anything in return 白拿, 白得(钱等); 揩油: sponge a dinner 白吃一顿 * sponge a fiver (ie 5) from an old friend 向老朋友揩油硬要五英镑. 用法: 3 (phr v) sponge sth off/out remove sth by sponging 用海绵等清除某物: sponge out a stain in the carpet 用海绵把地毯上的污迹擦掉. sponge on/off sb (infml usu derog 口, 通常作贬义) live at another person's expense; get money, food, etc from sb without giving or intending to give anything in return 依赖他人为生; 当食客; 从某人那儿白得(钱、 食物等); 揩油: He always sponges off others. 他总是揩别人的油. sponge sth up remove (liquid) with a sponge 用海绵等将(液体)吸掉. |