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单词 spread 1
释义 [/spred; sprɛd/] v (pt, pp spread)

1 (a) [Tn,, Tn.p] ~ sth (out) (on/over sth) extend the surface area, width or length of sth by unfolding or unrolling it 展开; 铺开; 摊开:
The bird spread (out) its wings. 那只鸟张开了翅膀. *
spread a cloth on the table 把桌布铺在桌子上 *
spread out one's arms, eg to welcome or embrace sb 张开两臂(如欢迎或拥抱某人) *
spread the map out on the floor 在地板上摊开地图.
(b) [] ~ sth with sth cover sth with sth by doing this 将某物铺於某物上:
spread a table with a cloth 把桌布铺在桌子上.

(a) [] ~ A on B put (a substance) on (a surface) and extend its area by flattening, etc; apply sth as a layer on sth 在(某物表面)上涂(某物); 敷:
spread butter on bread 把黄油涂在面包上 *
spread glue on paper 把胶水涂在纸上.
(b) [] ~ B with A cover (a surface) with (a substance) by doing this 将(某物)涂在(某物表面)上:
spread bread with butter 把黄油涂在面包上.
(C) [I] be able to be spread in this way; be applied in a layer 能涂敷; 被涂开:
Butter spreads more easily when it's softer. 黄油软一些就容易涂抹. *
margarine that spreads straight from the fridge, ie does not go hard when cold 从冰箱中取出便可涂开的人造黄油.

3 [I, Ipr, Tn,] (a) (cause sth to) become (more) widely known, felt or suffered (使某事物)传播, 流传, 蔓延:
The disease is spreading fast. 这种病正在迅速蔓延. *
Fear spread quickly through the village. 全村不多久便人心惶惶了. *
The strike has already spread to other factories. 这次罢工已在其他工厂产生连锁反应. *
The water spread over the floor. 水流了一地. *
Flies spread disease. 苍蝇能传播疾病. *
He spread the news around the town. 他在镇上到处传播这一消息.
(b) (cause sth to) become distributed (使某事物)散布, 散开:
Settlers soon spread inland. 移居到发展中地区的人不久就迁徙到内地了.

4 [I, Ipr] extend in size, area, etc 扩大; 伸展; 扩展:
a desert spreading for hundreds of miles 绵延上百英里的沙漠 *
The forest spreads as far as the river. 这片森林一直延伸到河边.

5 [Tn,] ~ sth (over sth) distribute sth over a period of time 将某事物分散於某段时间内:
spread the payments over three months 分三个月付清 *
a course of studies spread over three years 为期三年的课程.

6 [usupassive 通常用於被动语态:
Tn,] ~ sth (with sth)prepare (a table) for a meal 在(餐桌)上摆上饭菜:
The table was spread with cakes and sandwiches. 桌上摆好了糕饼和三明治.

7 (idm 习语) spread like `wildfire (esp of rumours, reports, disease) travel, spread, etc very fast (尤指谣言、 传闻、 疾病)飞速地传开、 蔓延等:
The news spread like wildfire. 这消息不胫而走. spread one's `net prepare to catch sb or get sb in one's power or influence 布下罗网(以捉住某人或迫使某人就范). `spread oneself (a) occupy much space (eg by lying out with limbs extended) 占用很多地方(如四肢摊开躺著):
Since there was no one else in the compartment I was able to spread myself. 车厢间隔里没有别人, 我正好能伸胳膊伸腿舒坦一下.
(b) talk or write at length (on a subject) (就某主题)滔滔不绝地说或长篇大论地写.
(C) spend or provide things generously 大方地花费或提供物品. spread one's `wings (have confidence to) extend one's activities and interests (有信心去)扩展活动和爱好:
We hope college life will help him to spread his wings a bit. 我们希望大学生活有助於他扩展兴趣爱好.

8 (phr v) spread (sb/oneself) out move (sb/oneself) away from others in a group so as to cover a wider area 使(某人[自己])离开其他人或散开:
The search party spread out over the moor. 搜索队在荒草地分散行动. *
Don't all sit together, spread yourselves out. 别都挤在一块儿, 分开坐吧. spread 2

1 (usu sing 通常作单数) (a) extent, width or expanse of sth 范围; 宽度; 宽阔度:
the spread of a bird's wings 鸟的翼展 *
The survey revealed a wide spread of opinion. 调查结果表明各种意见差别很大.
(b) extent of space or time; stretch (空间的)范围; 连续的一段时间:
a spread of 100 years 100年的时间.

2 [U] process or activity of spreading (spread 3) or being spread; extension; diffusion 传播; 散布; 蔓延; 扩散:
the spread of disease, knowledge, education 疾病的蔓延、 知识的传播、 教育的普及 *
the spread of crime 犯罪活动的蔓延.

3 [C] newspaper or magazine article, advertisement, etc, esp one covering more than one printed column 报刊文 章或广告等(尤指跨栏的):
a double-page spread 横贯两版篇幅的文章.

4 [C] (infml) (usu large) meal spread out on a table (通常指丰盛的)一桌饭菜:
What a spread! 多丰盛的饭菜呀!

5 (usu in compounds 通常用以构成复合词) (a) [C] thing that is spread(1b), esp a cloth for covering sth 铺开之物; (尤指)用以铺盖某物的布:
a `bedspread 床单.
(b) [C, U] expansion 扩展:
(joc 谑) middle-aged spread, ie increased size around the waist in middle age 中年发福(即腰围增大).

6 [U, C] sweet or savoury paste spread on bread, etc (涂抹面包等的)美味酱:
chocolate spread 巧克力酱 *
cheese spreads 乾酪酱.





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