[/skweə(r); skwɛr/] adj 用法: 1 having four equal sides and four right angles; having the shape of a square2(1) 正方形的; 四方的: a square room, table, handkerchief 正方形的房间、 桌子、 手帕. =>illus at quadrilateral 见quadrilateral插图. 用法: 2 having or forming (exactly or approximately) a right angle 成直角或近似直角的; 方的: square corners 方角 * a square jaw/chin, ie angular, not curved 棱角分明的下颌[下巴]. 用法: 3 of comparatively broad solid shape 宽阔结实的: a woman of square frame/build 健硕的女子. 用法: 4 [pred 作表语] properly arranged; tidy 妥当; 整洁: We should get everything square before we leave. 咱们应该把一切都安排妥当了再走. 用法: 5 [pred 作表语] (a) ~ (with sth) level or parallel 水平; 平行: tables arranged square with the wall 沿墙壁平行排列的桌子. (b) settled; paid for; balanced 结清的; 已付的; 收支相抵的: get one's accounts square 把帐结清. 用法: 6 measuring a specified amount on all four sides, as a calculation of area 平方的: one square metre, ie an area equal to that of a square with sides that are each one metre in length 一平方米 * A carpet six metres square (ie having all four sides measuring 6 metres) has an area of 36 square metres. 六米见方的地毯面积是36平方米. 用法: 7 straightforward; uncompromising 乾脆的; 坚决的: a square refusal 断然拒绝. 用法: 8 fair; honest 公平的; 公正的; 诚实的; 正当的: a square deal 公正的协议 * square dealings, eg in business 公平的交易 * I want you to be square with me. 我要求你对我以诚相待. 用法: 9 (dated infml 旧, 口) out of touch with new ideas, styles, etc; old-fashioned; conventional 不合时尚的; 守旧的; 传统的. 用法: 10 (in cricket) in a position approximately at right angles to the batsman (板球运动中)与击球员约成直角位置的: a fielder standing square on the off side 站在击球员头部方向与之成直角位置的守场员. 11?b (idm 习语) be (all) square (with sb) (a) (in sport) have equal scores (文体活动中)比分相同的, 打平的, 平局的: all square at the ninth hole, ie in a golf match 在第九洞积分相等(指高尔夫球). (b) with neither person in debt to the other 彼此两不欠帐的: Let's call it all square, shall we? 咱们谁也不欠谁的了, 对吧? a fair/square deal => deal4. a square `meal large and satisfying meal 丰盛的一顿饭: He looks as though he hasn't had a square meal for months, ie looks underfed. 瞧他那样子, 好像几个月没好好吃过一顿饭似的. a square `peg (in a round `hole) person whose character or abilities make him unsuitable for or uncomfortable in his job or position (性格或能力)不适宜做某工作或任某职务的人. square 2 adv 用法: 1 squarely; directly 正对著; 径直: hit sb square on the jaw 对准某人的下颌打. 用法: 2 (idm 习语) fair and square => fair2. square 3 [/skweə(r); skwɛr/] n 用法: 1 geometric figure with four equal sides and four right angles 正方形. =>App 5 见附录5. =>illus at quadrilateral 见quadrilateral插图. 用法: 2 object having this shape, or approximately this shape 正方形物; 方形物: the squares on a chess board 棋盘上的方格 * cut the paper into squares 把纸裁成方形 * soldiers drawn up in squares 排成四方阵的士兵. 用法: 3 (a) four-sided open area, eg in a town, used as a garden or for recreation, or one enclosed by streets and buildings (方形)广场, 街心: a market square 集市广场 * listen to the band playing in the square 聆听广场上乐队的演奏. (b) Square (abbr 缩写 Sq) (in addresses) buildings and streets surrounding this (用作地址)广场四周的建筑及街道: He lives at No 95 Russell Square/Sq. 他住在罗素广场95号. 用法: 4 result when a number or quantity is multiplied by itself 平方: The square of 7 is 49. 7的平方是49. * 49 is a perfect square. 49是完全平方. 用法: 5 L-shaped or (also T-square) T-shaped instrument for drawing or testing right angles 曲尺; 丁字尺. 用法: 6 (dated infml 旧, 口) person who is out of touch with new ideas, styles, etc; conventional or old-fashioned person 守旧的人; 老古板: I'm basically a bit of a square. 我是比较古板的. 用法: 7 (idm 习语) back to square one back to the starting-point in an enterprise, a task, etc with no progress made (事情、 工作等因无进展)退回到起点: That idea hasn't worked, so it's/we're back to square one. 那主意行不通, 得从头再来. on the `square (infml) fair(ly); honest(ly) 公平(地); 诚实(地); 正直(地): Is their business on the square? 他们做生意规矩吗? out of square (with sth) not at right angles (with sth) (与某物)不成直角. square 4 [/skweə(r); skwɛr/] v 用法: 1 [Tn] make (sth) right-angled; give a square shape to; make square 使(某物)成直角; 使成方形: square timber, ie give it rectangular edges 把木材加工成长方体 * squared corners 方角. 用法: 2 [Tn] make (sth) straight or level 使(某物)变直或变平: square one's shoulders 端起肩膀. 用法: 3 [Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态] multiply (a number) by itself; get the square2(4) of (a number) 使(某数)成平方; 求(某数)的平方: 3 squared is 9. 3的平方是9. * y2 = y y, ie y squared y的平方. 用法: 4 [Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态] mark (sth) with squares; square off 在(某物)上做出方格: squared paper 方格纸. 用法: 5 [Tn, Cn.t] get the co-operation of (sb) by dishonest means; bribe 拉拢(某人); 贿赂; 收买: All the officials had to be squared before they would help us. 所有的官员都得给好处才肯帮助我们. * He has been squared to say nothing. 他已被收买, 什麽也不说. 用法: 6 [Ipr, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) with sth (infml) be or make (sth) consistent with sth; (cause sth to) agree with sth 使(某事物)与另一事物一致; (使某事物)与另一事物相符: Your theory doesn't square with the known facts. 你的说法跟已知的事实不符. * You should square your practice with your principles. 你的行为应该跟你的原则一致. 用法: 7 [Tn] cause (a total of points, wins, etc) to be even or level 使(总分、 比赛成绩等)相等: This victory has squared the series. 赢了这一场, 把这组赛事的总分拉平了. 用法: 8 (idm 习语) square one's ac`count/square accounts with sb (a) pay sb or be paid by him what is owed 与某人结帐. (b) get one's revenge on sb 向某人报复. square the `circle (attempt to) do sth that is impossible (尽力)做不可能做到的事. 用法: 9 (phr v) square sth off (a) give sth a square or rectangular shape or outline 将某物弄成方形或矩形: square off a piece of wood 把一块木头加工成方形. (b) divide (a surface) into squares 在(某物表面)上分割成方格: Square the page off with your ruler. 用尺在这页纸上打上方格. square up to sb/sth (infml) (a) prepare to fight sb (ie by raising the fists like a boxer) 摆开格斗架势(准备跟某人厮打). (b) confront sb or sth (esp a difficult situation) with determination 坚定地对付某人或某事物(尤指困境): He must square up to the reality of being out of work. 他必须正视失业这一现实. square up (with sb) pay (sb) the money one owes (esp before leaving a restaurant, etc) 向(某人)付帐(尤指离开餐馆等处之前): Can I leave you to square up with the waiter? 我把跟服务员结帐的事交给你办行吗? * It's time we squared up, ie settled our accounts. 咱们该结帐了. |