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单词 squash 1
释义 [/skwɔʃ; skwɑʃ/] v

1 (a) [Tn, Cn.a] press or squeeze (sb/sth) flat or into a pulp; crush 将(某人[某物])压扁, 压烂, 挤扁, 挤碎:
squashed tomatoes 挤烂的蕃茄 *
The cat got run over by the lorry and squashed. 那只猫被卡车辗死了. *
He sat on his hat and squashed it (flat). 他把帽子坐扁了.
(b) [I] become squashed or pressed out of shape 被压扁或压烂; 因挤压而变形:
Soft fruit squashes easily. 无核的小水果容易压烂.

2 [Ipr, Ip,, Tn.p] force (sth/sb/oneself) in the specified direction by squeezing; crowd 将(某物[某人/自己])向某方向挤; 挤进去:
Don't all try to squash into the lift together. 不要统统挤进电梯里去. *
They squashed through the gate into the football ground. 他们挤过大门, 进入足球场. *
There's room for one more in the car if you squash in. 汽车里还可以坐一个, 你挤进来吧. *
They managed to squash forty people into the bus. 那辆公共汽车好不容易塞进了四十个人. *
She squashed her clothes down into the suitcase. 她把衣服塞进箱子里了.

3 [Tn] (infml) silence or subdue (sb) rudely, esp with an unpleasant reply; snub 粗暴地使(某人)住嘴; 镇住(某人); (尤指)拿话噎(某人); 厉声呵斥:
I felt completely squashed by her sarcastic comment. 她冷嘲热讽把我噎得一句话都说不出来.

4 [Tn] (a) defeat or subdue (a rebellion, etc); crush 平定(叛乱等); 镇压; 制服.
(b) (infml) reject or dismiss (an idea, a proposal, etc) 拒绝接受(主意、 提议等):
My plan was firmly squashed by the committee. 委员会把我的计画全盘否定了.

5 (phr v) squash (sb) up (against sb/sth) (cause sb to) press tightly and uncomfortably (against another person or thing) (使某人)(跟他人或某物)挤在一起:
We had to squash up to make room for the others who wanted to use the lift. 我们得挤出空位让其他想搭电梯的人进来. *
There were four of us squashed up against each other on the seat. 我们四个人挤在座位上. squash 2

1 (a) [C usu sing 通常作单数] crowd of people pressed together in a confined space 拥挤的人群:
What a squash! 真拥挤呀! *
a violent squash at the gates 在门口拚命猛挤的人群.
(b) state of being pressesd together in this way 拥挤:
It'll be a bit of a squash, but I think I can get you all in the car. 挤是挤一点, 但我看可以把你们全弄上汽车.

2 [U, C] (Brit) soft drink made from fruit juice, sugar and water, usu sold in bottles and drunk with water added 果汁饮料(通常为瓶装, 饮用时加水):
some orange squash 一些橙汁饮料 *
Two squashes, please. 请来两客果汁饮料.

3 [U] (also fml 正规作 `squash rackets) game played with rackets and a small softish hollow rubber ball, in a court enclosed by walls and a roof (软式)墙网球; 壁球:
[attrib 作定语] a squash racket, ball, court, game 墙网球的球拍、 球、 球场、 比赛 *
Do you play squash? 你会打墙网球吗? Cf 参看 racket1 2. =>illus 见插图. squash 3
[/skwɔʃ; skwɑʃ/] n (pl unchanged or ~es 复数或不变或作 squashes) [U, C] any of several types of large gourd common in the US and eaten as a vegetable 西葫芦; 美国南瓜.





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