[/ˈstændəd; ˋstændɚd/] n 用法: 1 thing used as a test or measure for weights, lengths, quality, purity, etc 标准; 水准; 规格; 规范: the standard of height required for recruits to the police force 加入警察队伍的身高标准 * an international standard of weight 国际重量标准 * the monetary standard, ie the proportions of fine metal and alloy in gold and silver coins (金银币的)法定成分 * People were very poor then, by today's standards, ie compared with people today. 以今天的标准而言, 那时候的人很穷. 用法: 2 (often pl 常作复数) required, expected or accepted level of quality (要求的或认可的)水平, 水准: a restaurant with a low standard of hygiene 卫生水准低的餐馆 * a high moral standard 很高的道德水准 * set low standards of behaviour 定下很低的行为标准 * conform to the standards of society, ie live and behave in a way that is acceptable to others in society 符合社会的规范. 用法: 3 (a) average quality 平均质量: The standard of her work is high. 她的工作质量很高. (b) specified level of proficiency 熟练程度; 业务水平: His work does not reach the standard required. 他的工作成绩达不到要求. 用法: 4 (a) distinctive ceremonial flag, esp one to which loyalty is given (礼仪性的)旗, 旗帜(尤指效忠的对象): the royal standard 王旗. (b) carved figure, image, etc fixed to a pole and carried (esp formerly) by an army going into battle 军队(尤指旧时)作战时用的标竿(顶端有雕像等): a Roman standard 罗马军队的标竿. 用法: 5 upright pole or stand, esp one used as a support 直立的柱子或台座; (尤指)支柱, 基座. 用法: 6 tree or shrub that has been grafted on an upright stem (contrasted with a bush or climbing plant) 嫁接於直干上的树或无主茎灌木(与灌木丛或攀缘植物相对而言): [attrib 作定语] standard roses 嫁接在树干上的玫瑰. 用法: 7 (idm 习语) be up to/below `standard be equal to/not so good as what is normal, required, etc 达到[未达到]标准: Their work is not up to standard. 他们的工作成绩不够标准. standard 2 adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] 用法: 1 serving as, used as or conforming to a standard(1) 标准的; 符合标准的: standard sizes of paper, units of weight, etc 纸的标准尺寸、 标准重量单位. 用法: 2 average, normal or usual; not special or unusual 普通的; 正常的; 一般的: the standard model of a car, ie not the de luxe model, etc 普通型的汽车(非豪华型的) * This procedure is standard. 这一手续是正常的. 用法: 3 of generally recognized and accepted authority or merit 公认为权威的或优秀的: This is the standard textbook on the subject. 这是这一科的权威性课本. 用法: 4 (of spelling, pronunciation, grammar, etc) widely accepted as the usual form (指拼法、 读音、 语法等)规范的: standard English 规范的英语. |