[/ˈstændɪŋ; ˋstændɪŋ/] n [U] 用法: 1 (esp social) position or reputation; status; rank (尤指社会上的)地位, 名声, 身分, 等级: a woman of some standing in the community 在那个群体中颇有地位的女子 * a scientist of good/high standing, ie respected, eminent 有名望的科学家. 用法: 2 length of time that sth has existed; duration 持续时间: a debt, dispute, friendship of long standing 多时的欠债、 纠纷、 友谊. standing 2 adj [attrib 作定语] 用法: 1 (a) remaining in force or use; permanent and established 常备的; 永久的; 确立的: a standing army 常备军 * a standing committee, ie a permanent one that meets regularly 常务委员会. (b) continuing to be effective or valid 长期有效的: We have a standing invitation to visit them when we're in the area. 他们邀请我们将来到那里时去他们家做客. * a standing joke, ie sth that regularly causes amusement 永不乏味的笑料. 用法: 2 (esp sport 尤用於体育) performed without a run; done from a standing position 没有助跑的; 站著进行的: a standing start/jump 立定起跑[起跳]. 用法: 3 upright 直立的; 竖直的: standing corn, ie not yet cut 地里长著的谷物. |