释义 |
[/ˈsteraɪl; US ˈsterəl; ˋstɛrəl/] adj 用法: 1 (of plants, animals or humans) not producing or not able to produce seeds, young or children (指植物、 动物或人)不产生种子的, 不能生殖的, 不育的: Medical tests showed that he was sterile. 医学检查表明他没有生育能力. 用法: 2 (of land) that cannot produce crops; barren (指土地)不能长庄稼的, 不毛的, 荒瘠的. 用法: 3 (fig 比喻) (of discussion, communication, etc) producing no useful results; unproductive (指讨论、 联系等)无结果的, 无效果的: a sterile debate 毫无结果的辩论. 用法: 4 free from germs, bacteria, etc 无菌的; 消过毒的: sterile bandages 无菌 带 * An operating theatre should be completely sterile. 手术室应该完全无菌. Cf 参看 fertile. |