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单词 stock 1
释义 [/stɔk; stɑk/] n

1 [C, U] store of goods available for sale, distribution or use, in a shop, warehouse, etc (商店、 货栈等的)库存物, 存货:
a good stock of shoes 库存充足的鞋 *
Our new stock of winter clothes will arrive soon. 我们的新冬装很快就到货. *
Your order can be supplied from stock. 您订的货可从仓库中提取.2 [C, U] ~ (of sth) supply or amount of sth available for use, etc 供给; 供应; 贮备量:
a good stock of jokes 很多的笑话 *
get in stocks of coal for the winter 储存冬季用煤 *
Stocks of food are running low. 存的食物越来越少了. *
[attrib 作定语] Stationery is kept in the stock cupboard. 文具存放在贮物柜里.

3 (also `livestock) [U] farm animals 家畜; 牲畜:
buy some more stock for breeding 再买些牲畜来饲养.

4 [C, U] money lent to a government at a fixed rate of interest 公债:
government stock 公债.

5 (a) [U] capital of a business company (公司的)资本.
(b) [C usu pl 通常作复数] portion of this held by an investor (different from shares in that it is not issued in fixed amounts) 股份(不按固定数目发行的, 有别於shares):
invest in stocks and shares 投资於证券.

6 [U] person's line of ancestry; family line (of the type specified by the adj) 世系, 家世, 血统(以形容词表明所属类型):
a woman of Irish stock 有爱尔兰血统的女子 *
born of farming stock, ie in a family of farmers 农民家庭出身.

7 [U] (fml 文) person's standing or reputation in the opinion of others (别人的)评价; 名声:
His stock is high, ie He is well thought of. 他的声望很高.

8 [U] raw material ready to be used in manufacturing sth 原料:
`paper stock, eg rags, wood, etc to be made into paper 造纸原料(如破布、 木材等).

9 [C, U] liquid made by stewing bones, meat, fish, vegetables, etc in water, used as a basis for soups, gravy, etc (用骨头、 肉、 鱼、 蔬菜等炖成的)汤汁, 高汤:
sauce made with chicken stock 用鸡汤做的沙司.

10 [C] base, support or handle of an instrument, a tool, etc (仪器、 工具等的)基座, 支座, 手柄:
the stock of a rifle/plough/whip 步枪枪托[犁具手柄/鞭子把手]. =>illus at gun 见gun插图.

11 [C] lower and thicker part of a tree trunk 树干下部的粗大部分.

12 [C] growing plant onto which a cutting is grafted 砧木.

13 stocks [pl] framework supporting a ship while it is being built or repaired 船台(造船或修船的).

14 stocks [pl] wooden framework with holes for the feet (and sometimes also the hands) in which wrongdoers were formerly locked, as a punishment 足枷(有时附手枷, 旧时刑具):
be put in the stocks 被戴上足枷. Cf 参看 pillory.

15 [C] (a) wide band of stiff material formerly worn around the neck by men (旧时男子颈上围的)硬领.
(b) type of cravat worn as part of a formal riding kit (作为正式骑马服装之配件的)领巾.
(C) piece of black or purple fabric worn hanging from a clergyman's collar over the front of his shirt (牧师系的)黑领带或紫领带.

16 [C, U] type of garden plant with single or double brightly coloured and sweet-smelling flowers 紫罗兰.

17(idm 习语) (be) in/out of `stock available/not available (in a shop, etc) (商店等中)有[无]现货的:
The book is in/out of stock. 该书有库存[已脱销]. *
Have you any grey pullovers in stock? 你们有灰色套头毛衣的现货吗? lock, stockand barrel => lock2. on the `stocks being constructedor prepared 在建造中; 在准备中:
Our new model is already on the stocks and will be available in the autumn. 我们正著手生产一种新的款式, 可望在秋季面世. take stock (of sth) examine and make a list of all the goods (in a shop, warehouse, etc) (商店、 仓库等)盘点存货. take stock (of sb/sth) review, assess and form an opinion (about a situation, sb's abilities, etc) (对情况、 某人的能力等)进行检查、 评估和鉴定:
After a year in the job, she decided it was time to take stock (of her situation). 她从事此工作一年之後, 决定(对自己的情况)检讨一番. stock 2
adj [attrib 作定语]

1 usually kept in stock and regularly available 通常备有现货的; 常备的:
stock sizes 常备尺码 *
one of our stock items 本店常备商品之一.

2 commonly used; used too much (and therefore not interesting, effective, etc) 常用的; 陈腐的:
a stock argument 陈腐的论点 *
stock questions/answers 经常碰到的问题[老一套的回答] *
She's tired of her husband's stock jokes. 她已听厌了丈夫说的那些老一套的俏皮话. stock 3
[/stɔk; stɑk/] v

1 [Tn] keep (goods) in stock; keep a supply of 储备, 贮存(货物); 保持...之供应:
Do you stock raincoats? 你们有雨衣存货吗? *
They stock all sizes. 他们各种尺码齐备.

2 [Tn,] ~ sth (with sth) provide or equip sth with goods, livestock or a supply of sth (以货物、 牲畜或供应品)供应某处:
stock a shop with goods 向商店供货 *
a shop well stocked with the latest fashions 备有各种最新款式的商店 *
a badly stocked library 藏书不多的图书馆 *
(fig 比喻) He has a memory well stocked with facts. 他记著很多事情.

3 (phr v) stock up (on/with sth) (for sth) collect and keep supplies (of sth for a particular occasion or purpose) (为某种需要或目的)储备(某物):
As soon as they heard about possible food shortages, they began to stock up. 他们一听说食物可能短缺, 就立即储备起来. *
stock up on fuel for the winter 贮存燃料以备过冬 *
stock up with food for Christmas 为圣诞节购备食品.





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