[/stuːdʒ; studʒ/] n 用法: 1 (theatre sl 戏剧界俚语) comedian's assistant, used as the object of his jokes 滑稽演员的配角(作丑角打趣的对象). 用法: 2 (infml derog 口, 贬) (a) person used by another to do routine (usu unpleasant) work 受他人指使处理例行(通常指厌恶的)事务的人. (b) person whose actions are entirely controlled by another 完全受他人指使的人: She's fed up with being her husband's stooge. 她再也不愿意当丈夫的附属品了. stooge 2 v [Ipr] ~ for sb act as a stooge for (a comedian on stage) 给(台上滑稽演员)当配角. |