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单词 stop 1
释义 [/stɔp; stɑp/] v (-pp-)

1 [Tn] put an end to (the movement, progress, operation, etc of a person or thing); cause to halt or pause 使(人或事物的活动、 进展、 操作等)停止; 使中止或暂停:
stop a car, train, bicycle, etc 使汽车、 火车、 自行车等停下来 *
Rain stopped play, eg in cricket. 赛事因雨暂停(如板球赛). *
He stopped the machine and left the room. 他停了机器, 离开了房间. *
The earthquake stopped all the clocks.地震把所有的钟都震停了.

2 [Tn, Tg] cease or discontinue (sth); leave off 停止或不继续做(某事物); 中断:
stop work 停止工作 *
Stop it! ie Don't do that! 停下(住手)! *
He never stops talking. 他总是说个没完. *
She's stopped smoking. 她戒烟了. *
Will you stop making that horrible noise! 你别再弄出那种讨厌的响声来行不行! *
Has it stopped raining yet? 雨停了吗? *
Supplies have stopped reaching us. 给我们的供应品中断了.

3 [Tn,, Tsg, Tng] ~sb/sth from doing sth prevent sb from doing sth or sth from happening 阻止某人做某事; 阻碍某事物发生:
I'm sure he'll go, there's nothing to stop him. 我肯定他要去的, 没法阻止他. *
You can't stop our going/us (from) going if we want to. 假若我们要去, 你是阻止不了的. *
Can't you stop your son from getting into trouble? 你能不能制止你儿子别惹上麻烦? *
I only just managed to stop myself from shouting at him. 我极力控制住自己没对他喊叫起来. *
We bandaged his wound but couldn't stop it bleeding/stop the bleeding. 我们给他包扎了伤口, 但止不住血.

4 (a) [I] refrain from continuing; cease working, moving, etc 不继续进行; 终止工作、 活动等:
The rain has stopped. 雨停了. *
The clock stopped. 钟停了. *
His heart has stopped. 他的心脏停止了跳动.
(b) [I, Ipr] come to rest; halt or pause 停下; 中止; 暂停:
They stopped for a while to admire the scenery. 他们停了一会儿来欣赏风景. *
Do the buses stop here? 公共汽车在这里停吗? *
The train stopped at the station. 火车在车站上停了下来. =>Usage at and 用法见and.

5 [Tn,, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) (with sth) fill or close (a gap, hole, etc) by plugging or obstructing; block sth 堵塞, 阻塞(缝隙、 洞孔等):
stop a leak in a pipe, a gap in a hedge 堵住管子的漏洞、 树篱的缺口 *
stop up a mouse hole 堵塞老鼠洞 *
stop one's ears, ie cover them with one's hands to avoid hearing sth 堵住自己的耳朵.

6 [Tn] fill a cavity in (a tooth) 填补(牙)洞.

7 [Tn,] ~ sth (out of/from sth) refuse to give or allow (sth normally given); keep sth back 拒绝给予或允许(通常给予之事物); 扣留某物:
stop a cheque, ie order a bank not to cash it 停止兑现支票(通知银行不予兑付) *
The cost was stopped out of (ie deducted from) my wages. 那笔费用已从我的工资中扣除.

8 [I, Ipr] (Brit infml) stay (esp for a short time) 停留(尤指短时间); 逗留:
Are you stopping (for supper)? 你留在这儿(吃晚饭)吗? *
I'm stopping (at) home tonight. 我今晚待在家里. *
We stopped at a campsite for a week. 我们在露营地呆了一个星期.

9 [Tn] (music 音) press down (a string or key) or block (a hole on a musical instrument) to produce the note wanted 按(乐器的弦、 键或孔)(以演奏).

10 (idm 习语) the buck stops here => buck4. stick/stop at nothing => stick2. stop `dead (in one's `tracks) stop very suddenly 突然停止. stop short of sth/doing sth be unwilling to go beyond a certain limit in one's actions 不愿超越行动上的某种界限; 不愿逾矩:
He can be ruthless in getting what he wants, but I believe he would stop short of blackmail. 他这个人为达到目的是心黑手辣的, 但我认为他还不至於使用敲诈手段. stop the `show receive so much attention, applause, etc from an audience that the performance, etc cannot continue (因观众或听众气氛热烈、 掌声不断等)无法继续演出.

11 (phr v) stop by (also stop round) (esp US) make a short visit to sb's house, etc; call in 串门子; 串门儿:
Ask him to stop by for a chat. 请他来坐坐, 聊聊天. stop off (at/in...) make a short break in a journey (to do sth) 中途稍作停留(做某事):
stop off at the pub on the way home 归途中在酒馆逗留片刻. stop over (at/in...) break one's journey (esp when travelling by air) for a stay 中途停留(尤指乘飞机旅行时):
stop over in Rome for two days en route for the Middle East 在飞往中东途中在罗马停留两天. stop up not go to bed until later than usual 晚睡觉; 熬夜:
stop up (late) to watch a film on TV 熬夜看电视影片. stop 2
[/stɔp; stɑp/] n [C]

1 act of stopping or state of being stopped 停止; 中止; 停留; 逗留:
make a short stop on a journey 在途中作短暂停留 *
The train came/was brought to a sudden stop. 火车突然停了下来. *
The train goes from London to Leeds with only two stops. 这列火车从伦敦开往利兹只停两站. *
Production at the factory has come to a complete/full stop. 这家工厂的生产已完全停顿.

2 place where a bus, train, etc stops regularly (eg to allow passengers to get on or off) (公共汽车、 火车等的)停车站:
Where is the nearest bus-stop? 离这儿最近的公共汽车站在哪里? *
Which stop do I get off at? 我在哪一站下车? *
Is this a request stop? 这个站是招手停车的汽车站吗?

3 punctuation mark, esp a full stop (.) 标点符号; (尤指)句号.

4 (music 音) (a) row of pipes in an organ providing tones of one quality (风琴的)排列的管子.
(b) knob or lever controlling these (球状或杆状)音栓(控制上述管子的).

5 (music 音) device for covering any of certain holes on a wind instrument (eg a flute) in order to change the pitch 管乐器(如长笛)的按孔(装置).

6 (in a camera) device for regulating the size of the aperture through which light reaches the lens (照相机的)光圈.

7 (phonetics 语音) consonant sound produced by the sudden release of air that has been held back (eg [/p, b, k, g, t, d/]); plosive 塞音(气流受阻後突然释放发出的辅音, 如[/p/]、 /b/、 /k/、 /g/、 /t/、 /d/).

8 (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) device or object that regulates or stops the movement of sth 调节或制止某物动作的装置或物体:
The door was held open by a doorstop. 那门用了门碰头, 一直开著.

9 (idm 习语) pull out all the stops => pull2. put an end/a stop to sth => end1.





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