[/ˈstʌbən; ˋstʌbɚn/] adj 用法: 1 (often derog 常作贬义) determined not to give way; strong-willed; obstinate 不退让的; 倔强的; 固执的; 顽固的: be too stubborn to apologize 硬是不肯道歉 * show stubborn resistance to change 对改革采取顽抗态度. 用法: 2 difficult to move, remove, cure, etc 难以移动、 去除、 医治等的: You'll have to push hard, that door is a bit stubborn. 你得用力推才行, 那门不大好开. * a stubborn cough that has lasted for weeks 已持续几周难以治愈的咳嗽. 用法: 3 (idm 习语) obstinate/stubborn as a mule => mule1. |