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单词 suppose
释义 [/səˈpəuz; səˋpoz/] v

1 [Tf, Cn.a, Cn.t] accept as true or probable; believe; imagine; assume 认定; 认为; 以为; 猜想; 料想; 假定:
What do you suppose he wanted? 你认为他想要什麽? *
What makes you suppose (that) I'm against it? 你根据什麽认为我反对这件事? *
I don't suppose for a minute that he'll agree, ie I'm sure that he won't. 我认为他决不同意. *
She'll be there today, I suppose. 我想她今天能到那儿去. *
`Will he come?' `Yes, I suppose so.' `他来吗?'`对, 我想他能来.' *
I suppose you want to borrow money from me again? ie showing annoyance 我猜你又要找我借钱了吧? *
I don't suppose you could help me (ie Please help me) with my homework. 请你帮助我做家庭作业吧. *
It was generally supposed that it would not happen again. 一般都认为此事不会再发生. *
(fml 文) Everyone supposes him (to be) poor, but he is really quite wealthy. 大家都以为他穷, 实际上他很阔. *
It was widely supposed to have been lost during the war. 普遍认为那东西在战争期间丢失了.

2 [Tn, Tf, Cn.t] pretend that (sth) is true; take (sth) as a fact 假定或假设(某事物)属实; 认定(某事物):
a theory which supposes the existence of other worlds besides our own 假定除地球外还存在其他有生命的天体的理论 *
Suppose (that) the news is true:
what then? 假定这消息是真的, 那又怎样? *
Suppose you had a million pounds how would you spend it? 假如你有一百万镑--你怎麽花呢?

3 [Tf] (used in the imperative, to make a suggestion 用於祈使句, 用以提出建议) consider as a proposal 作为建议来考虑:
Suppose we go (ie Let's go) for a swim! 咱们去游泳吧!

4 [Tn] (fml 文) require (sth) as a condition 须以(某事物)为条件:
Creation supposes a creator. 有了创造者, 才能有创造.

5 (idm 习语) be supposed to do sth (a) be expected or required to do sth (by rules, custom, etc) 被期望或被要求(按规则、 惯例等)做某事:
Am I supposed to (ie Should I) clean all the rooms or just this one? 我是应该打扫所有的房间, 还是只这一间? *
You're supposed to pay the bill by Friday. 你最晚在星期五结清这笔帐. *
They were supposed to be here an hour ago. 他们应该在一小时以前到达这里.
(b) (infml) (used in negative sentences 用於否定句中) be allowed to do sth 获准做某事:
You're not supposed to play football in the class-room. 在教室里是不准踢足球的.





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