[/sɜːdʒ; sədʒ/] v 用法: 1 [I, Ipr, Ip] move forward in or like waves 在浪涛中或如同波浪般前进: the surging tide 汹涌的潮水 * The floods surged along the valley. 洪水沿著山谷滚滚流动. * The crowd surged (past) into the stadium. 观众涌入了体育场. 用法: 2 [I, Ip] ~ (up) arise suddenly and intensely 急剧上升: Anger surged (up) within him. 他怒火中烧. surge 2 n (usu sing 通常作单数) ~ (of/in sth) 用法: 1 forward or upward movement 向前或向上的运动: the surge of the sea 大海的翻腾. 用法: 2 sudden occurrence or increase 突然发生; 激增: a surge of anger, pity, etc 一阵怒气、 怜悯等 * There's a surge in electricity demand at around 7 pm. 晚上 7 点钟左右是用电高峰时间. |