[/sɪnˈθetɪk; sɪnˋθɛtɪk/] adj 用法: 1 made by synthesis(2); artificial 用合成法制造的; 人造的: synthetic diamonds, rubber, etc 人造钻石、 合成橡胶. 用法: 2 [attrib 作定语] of synthesis(2) 合成的: synthetic chemistry 合成化学. 用法: 3 (infml derog 口, 贬) not genuine or natural; false 假的; 非天然的; 虚伪的: the salesman's synthetic friendliness 那男售货员的虚情假意 * a synthetic blonde, ie sb whose hair is dyed blonde 染成金发的人. synthetic 2 n synthetic substance or fibre 合成物; 合成纤维: natural fibres and synthetics 天然纤维和合成纤维. |