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单词 taper 1
释义 [/ˈteɪpə(r); ˋtepɚ/] n length of wax-covered thread like a very thin candle burned to give light or to light other candles, etc 蜡捻子, 细蜡烛(点燃後用以照明或引火):
put a taper to the fire 用蜡捻儿引火. taper 2
[/ˈteɪpə(r); ˋtepɚ/] v

1 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn,, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (off) (to sth) become or make (sth) gradually narrower 逐渐变窄; 使(某物)逐渐变窄:
tapering at the ends 末端渐窄 *
a blade that tapers off to a fine point 缩窄成细尖的叶片 *
The trouser legs are slightly tapered. 裤腿逐渐向里收窄了一些. Cf 参看 flare2.

2 [Ip, Tn.p] ~ (sth) off (cause sth to) become less in amount, etc or to cease gradually (使某物)变少, 变小; (使某物)逐渐终止:
The number of applicants for the course has been tapering off recently. 申请上该课程的人近来已逐渐减少. *
taper off production 逐渐停产. taper 3
n (usu sing 通常作单数) gradual narrowing of a long object (长形物体的)逐渐变窄:
trousers with a slight taper 裤脚稍瘦进一些的长裤.





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