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单词 teach 1
释义 [/tiːtʃ; titʃ/] v (pt, pp taught [/tɔːt; tɔt/])

1 (a) [I, Tn, Dn.w, Dn.t] give instruction to (sb); cause (sb) to know or be able to do sth 教(某人); 使(某人)明白或会做某事:
She teaches well. 她教得好. *
teach children 教小孩儿 *
He taught me (how) to drive. 他教我开汽车.
(b) [Tn, Dn.n,] ~ sth (to sb/sth) communicate (knowledge, skill, etc) 传授(知识、 技能等); 教授:
teach French, history, judo, etc 教法语、 历史、 柔道等 *
She teaches advanced students English/teaches English to advanced students. 她教高水平的学生英语. *
He's taught his dog some clever tricks. 他已经训练他的狗耍些灵巧的把戏.

2 [I, Tn] do this for a living 以教书为生:
She teaches at our local school. 她在我们这地区的学校教书. *
He taught mathematics for many years. 他教数学已很多年了. =>Usage 见所附用法.

3 [Tn, Tf, Dn.n, Dn.f, Dn.t] put (sth) forward as a fact or as a principle; advocate 提出(某事)作为事实或原则; 倡导; 提倡:
Christ taught forgiveness, ie that we should forgive our enemies, etc. 基督倡导宽恕(应宽恕敌人等). *
He taught that the earth revolves around the sun. 他指出地球是围绕太阳转的. *
My parents taught me never to tell lies. 我父母告诫我千万不要说谎.

4 [no passive 不用於被动语态:
Tn, Dn.n, Dn.t] (infml) persuade (sb) to do or not to do sth by punishment or as a result of experience 教育、 教导(某人)做某事; 告诚、 训诫(某人)不做某事:
So you lost all your money? That'll teach you (to gamble). 这麽说, 你把钱都输光了? 这就是(赌博)给你的教训. *
It taught him a lesson he never forgot. 这给了他一个终生难忘的教训. *
I'll teach you to call me a liar! ie punish you for doing so. 你说我说谎, 我就要教训你!

5 (idm 习语) know/learn/teach sb the ropes => rope. teach one's grandmother to suck `eggs tell or show sb how to do sth that he can already do perfectly well, and probably better than oneself 教比自己强的人做某事. (you can't) teach an old dog new `tricks (saying 谚) (one can't) successfully get old people who are set in their ways to change their ideas, methods of work, etc (无法)改变老人的想法、 做法等.teach `school (US) be a schoolteacher 当老师; 任教师. teach 2

1 Educate refers to theoverall development of (especially children's) knowledgeand intellect, usually through the formal education system of schools and universities *educate指对(尤指儿童的)知识和智力进行全面的培养, 通常是由学校进行系统的正规教育:
He was educated at the local comprehensive school. 他曾在地区的综合中学受教育. *
The country needs an educated population. 该国需要受过教育的国民.

2 Teach has the widest use in formal and informal situations and at all levels. *teach一词使用范围最广, 可用於庄重的和一般的场合, 可用於各种教育程度. It can refer to an academic subject or a practical skill 这一词既可指某一学科也可指某种技能:She teaches history at a secondary school/to undergraduates.她在中学教历史[教大学生历史课]. *
My father taught me how to swim. 我父亲教过我游泳.

3 Coach is used of non-formal teaching, either of an academic subject (especially for an examination) or of a sport *coach一词表示非正规的教导, 既可指对某一学科(尤指为考试)进行辅导, 也可指对体育运动的指导:
I'm coaching their children in A level maths in the evenings. 我晚上辅导他们的孩子准备数学的高级考试. *
She coaches the tennis team at the weekend. 她在周末指导网球队.

4 Train means producing a desired result in behaviour, standard of skill or physical ability. *train的意思是使在行为、 技能或体能上达到要求. It is sometimes contrasted with educate. 这一词与educate相比有时有差别. It can be used of people or animals 它可用以指人或动物:
It's hard to train children to behave well at the table. 培养儿童用餐时举止得体是很困难的. *
He's training the horse for the Grand National. 他为参加英国大赛马而训练那匹马. *
The swimming team's in training for the Olympics. 该游泳队正在为参加奥林匹克运动会而进行训练.

5 Instruct means giving practicalinformation or knowledge, especially to groups of trainees(eg soldiers or nurses) *instruct指传授实践知识, 特别是针对集体受训者(如士兵或护士):
She instructed the trainee nurses in giving injections. 她指导实习护士练习注射.





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