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单词 that 1
释义 [/ðæt; ðæt/] det (pl those [/ðəuz; ðoz/])

1 (used to make a person or thing specific, esp when he/it is seen as distant in space or time from the speaker/writer 用以指人或事物, 尤指在空间或时间上较远的):
Look at that man standing there. 瞧站在那儿的那个男子. *
That box is bigger than this. 那个盒子比这个大. *
How much are those apples at the back? 後边那些苹果多少钱? *
Where did that noise come from? 那响声从哪儿来的? *
Have you read that book about China? 你读过那本关於中国的书吗? *
I was still living with my parents at that time/in those days, ie at that particular time in the past. 我那时还跟父母住在一起. Cf 参看 this.

(a) (used to specify a person or thing that is indicated or mentioned 用以指要表明的或要提及的人或事物):
Did you see that boy? 你看见那个男孩儿了吗? *
He began by writing a thriller. That book sold a million copies. 他是写惊险小说起家的. 那本书卖了一百万册.
(b) (used with a n followed by a possessive 与名词连用, 後接物主代词):
Did you meet that friend of his? 你见过他的那个朋友吗? *
That dress of hers is too short. 她那件连衣裙太短了.3 (used in front of the antecedent of a relative clause 用於关系从句的先行词前):
Have you forgotten about that money I lent you last week? 你忘了上星期我借给你的钱了吧? *
Those students who failed the exam will have to take it again. 考试不及格的学生需补考. *
Who was that man you were talking to? 刚才你正和一个人说话, 他是谁? that 2
adv to that degree; so 达到那样的程度; 如此; 这般:
I can't walk that far, ie as far as that. 我可走不了那麽远. *
They've spent that much, ie as much as is indicated. 他们花了那些钱. *
It's about that long, ie as long as that. 那个东西大约有那麽长. *
It isn't all thatcold, ie not as cold as you are suggesting or not extremely cold. 还没冷到那种程度(不像你说的那麽冷或极冷). that 3
[/ðæt; ðæt/] pron (pl those [/ðəuz; ðoz/])

1 (a) (used to make a thing specific, esp one more distant in space or time than another 用以表示所指的事物, 尤指在空间或时间上较另一事物远的):
Those look juicier than these. 那些显得比这些汁液多. *
That's a nice hat. 那顶帽子很好.
(b) (referring to people, only with the verb be 用以指人, 只能与动词be连用):
That's Peter at the bus-stop. 在公共汽车站那儿的那个人是彼得. *
Who's that? 那是谁?

2 (used to specify a thing, an event, an idea, etc that is indicated or mentioned 用以指要表明的或要提及的事物、 想法等):
Look at that! 看那个! *
Do you remember going to Norway? That was a good holiday. 你还记得去挪威的情景吗? 那个假期真好. *
Send her some flowers that's the easiest thing to do. 给她送些花儿去--那是最好办的事.

3 (used as the antecedent of a relative clause 用作关系从句的先行词):
Is that what you really think? 你真的那样想吗? *
That's what he told me. 他就是那麽跟我说的. *
Those who expect the worst are less likely to be disappointed. 把事情想得坏的人, 不容易失望. *
Those present were in favour of a change. 出席的人都赞成改一改. *
There are those who say (ie Some people say) she should never have been appointed. 有人说根本就不应该委派她.

4 (idm 习语) `that is (to say) (a) which means 就是; 即:
He's a local government administrator, that is to say a Civil Servant. 他是地方行政官员, 也就是说是文官.
(b) to be specific 确切地:
She's a housewife when she's not teaching English, that is. 她是个家庭主妇--是指她不教英语的时候. ,that's `that (used to indicate the end of a discussion, search, development, etc 用以表示谈论、 调查、 进展等的结束):
I take it that's that we've heard your final offer? 我看就这样了--我们已经了解到你们出的最高价了吧? *
So that's that. At last we're all agreed. 就这样了. 我们终於取得了一致的意见. that 4
[/ðət; ðət; rare strong form 罕、 强读式 ðt; ðæt/] conj

1 (used to introduce a clause that is the subject or object of a v 用以引导主语从句或宾语从句):
That the attempt to save her had failed soon became widely known. 想救她而未救成, 此事不久已尽人皆知. *
She said that the book was based on a true story. 她说那本书取材於一件真事. *
I thought that 13 May would be the date of the election. 我以为5月13日是选举的日子. *
It's possible that he hasn't received the letter. 可能他还没收到那封信呢.

2 (rhet 修辞) (used to express wishes and regrets 用以表示愿望和遗憾):
Oh that I could see him again! 我真希望能再见到他! *
That I should see a child of mine arrested for selling drugs! 我竟然看见自己的孩子因贩毒而被捕! that 5
[/ðət; ðət; rare strong form 罕、 强读式 ðt; ðæt/] rel pron 关系代词

1 (used to introduce a defining clause after a n, esp referring to things 用以引导名词之後的限定从句, 尤指表示事物的) (a) (as the subject of the v in the clause 在从句中作主语):
The letter that came this morning is from my father. 今天早晨收到的那封信是我父亲寄来的. *
The clothes that are on the floor are dirty. 地板上的那些衣物是脏的. *
The woman that spoke to me in the shop used to live next door. 在商店里跟我说话的那个女人从前就住隔壁. *
Who was it that won the World Cup in 1982? 谁赢得了1982年的世界杯?
(b) (as the object of the v in the clause, but usu omitted in this position 在从句中作宾语, 但通常省略此字):
The watch (that) you gave me keeps perfect time. 你给我的那个表走得很准. *
Here are the books (that) I borrowed from you a week ago. 这些是我一周前向你借的书. *
The person (that) I have to phone lives in India. 我要打电话找的那个人住在印度.
(C) (as the object of a prep in the clause, but usu omitted in this position 在从句中作介词宾语, 但通常省略此字):
The photographs (that) you're looking at were taken by my brother. 你看的那些相片是我哥哥拍的. *
The man (that) I was talking to had just arrived from Canada. 我与之谈话的那个人刚从加拿大来. *
These are the children (that) I looked after last summer. 这都是去年夏天我照看的孩子.

2 (used to introduce a clause following superlatives, the only, all, etc 用以引导形容词最高级以及the only、 all等之後的从句):
Shakespeare is the greatest English writer that ever lived. 莎士比亚是有史以来最伟大的英国作家. *
This is the most expensive watch (that) I've ever owned. 在我所有的表当中, 这个最贵. *
The only part of the meal (that) I really liked was the dessert. 这顿饭只有甜食是我爱吃的. *
All that I have is yours. 凡我所有都是你的.

3 (used after an expression of time instead of when 用於表示时间的词语之後, 代替when):
the year that my father died 我父亲去世的那年 *
the day that war broke out 战争爆发的那天.





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