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单词 thaw 1
释义 [/θɔː; θɔ/] v

1 (a) [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (out) (cause sth to) pass into an unfrozen or a liquid state after being frozen (使某物)解冻, 融化, 融解:
All the snow has thawed. 雪都融化了. *
leave frozen food to thaw before cooking it 先让冷冻食物解冻再烹调 *
thaw out (the ice in) the pipes 使管道(中的冰)化冻.
(b) [I] (used only with it 仅与it连用) (of the weather) become warm enough to melt snow and ice (指天气)(暖和得使冰雪)化冻, 解冻:
It's starting to thaw. 天暖得化冻了. =>?sage at water1 用法见water1.

2 [I, Ip] ~ (out) (of people, their behaviour, etc) become less cool or formal in manner (指人、 态度、 行为等)变得温和、 不甚拘礼:
After a few drinks the party atmosphere began to thaw (out). 喝过几杯酒之後, 聚会的气氛变得轻松自然了. thaw 2
n (usu sing 通常作单数) (weather that causes) thawing 融化; 融解; 使江河、 土地等解冻的天气:
go skating before the thaw 趁著没解冻去溜冰 *
A thaw is setting in. 江河渐渐解冻了. *
(fig 比喻) a thaw in East-West relations 东西方关系的缓和.





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