释义 |
[/ˈθauznd; ˋθaʊznd/] pron, det 用法: 1 (after a or one, an indication of quantity; no pl form 用於a或one之後表示数量, 无复数形式) 1000; ten hundred 1000, 千(个): (infml) I've got a thousand and one (ie many) things to do. 我有许多事要做. =>App 4 见附录4. 用法: 2 (idm 习语) one, etc in a thousand = one, etc in a million (million). thousand 2 n (sing after a or one, but often pl 用於 a 或 one 之後时作单数, 但常用其复数形式) the number 1000 *1000; 千. |