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单词 token 1
释义 [/ˈtəukən; ˋtokən/] n

1 sign, symbol or evidence of sth 表徵; 标志; 证据:
A white flag is used as a token of surrender. 白旗是用作投降的信号. *
These flowers are a small token of my gratitude. 谨以此花聊表谢忱.

2 disc like a coin used to operate certain machines or as a form of payment (用以启动某些机器或用作付款形式的)代币, 专用辅币:
Tokens for the cigarette machine are available at the bar. 在柜台可以买到供自动售烟机使用的代币. *
milk tokens, ie (in Britain) bought from the milkman and left on the doorstep to pay for the milk delivered 牛奶票(送奶人出售的票证, 购者用以付送奶费, 可置於门外).

3 (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) voucher or coupon, usu attached to a greetings card, which can be exchanged for goods of the value shown 赠券; 礼券:
a 10 `book/`record/`gift token 金额10英镑的书券[唱片券/礼券].

4 (idm 习语) by the same token => same1. in token of sth as evidence of sth 作为某事的证据:
Please accept this gift in token of our affection for you. 请接受这一礼物, 这是我们微薄的情意. token 2
adj [attrib 作定语]

1 serving as a sign or pledge of sth 象徵性的; 作为对某事的保证的:
a token payment, ie payment of a small part of what is owed, as an acknowledgement of the debt 象徵性的偿付(偿付小部分欠款, 作为承认该债务的象徵) *
a token strike, ie a short strike serving as a warning that a longer one may follow 象徵性罢工(短期罢工, 以警告对方可能发动长期罢工).

2 done, existing, etc on a small scale as a gesture of sth that is not seriously or sincerely meant; superficial or perfunctory 装样子的; 敷衍的; 表面的:
Our troops encountered only token resistance. 我们的部队仅受到表面上的抵抗. *
a token attempt, effort, offer, etc 装样子的尝试、 努力、 好意等 *
the token woman on the committee, ie included to avoid charges of sexual discrimination 委员会中做装点的女性(以免遭性别歧视的指责).





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