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单词 traffic 1
释义 [/ˈtræfɪk; ˋtræfɪk/] n [U]

1 vehicles moving along a road or street 往来於街道的车辆; 交通:
heavy/light traffic 往来车辆很多[不多] *
There's usually a lot of traffic at this time of day. 每天在这段时间往来车辆都很多. *
Traffic was brought to a standstill by the accident. 出了事故以後, 交通陷於停顿. *
London-bound traffic is being diverted via Slough. 开往伦敦的车辆现绕道经过斯劳. *
[attrib 作定语] a traffic accident 交通事故.2 movement of ships or aircraft along a route (船只或飞机沿航线的)航行:
cross-channel traffic, ie ships crossing the English Channel 横渡英吉利海峡的船只 *
[attrib 作定语] a threatened strike by air-traffic controllers 航空调度员扬言要进行的罢工.

3 number of people or amount of goods moved from one place to another by road, rail, sea or air (公路、 铁路、 海上或空中人员或货物的)流量:
an increase in freight/goods/passenger traffic货运[货运/客运]量的增加 *
the profitable North Atlantictraffic 有利可图的北大西洋运输业务.

4 ~ (in sth) illegal or immoral trading 非法的或不道德的买卖:
the traffic in drugs/arms/stolen goods 毒品[武器/赃物]的非法交易 *
the ,white `slave traffic 将妇女卖为娼妓的勾当. traffic 2
v (-ck-) [I, Ipr] ~ (in sth) trade, esp illegally or immorally 买卖(尤指在非法的或不道德的事物方面):
drug trafficking 毒品买卖 *
He trafficked in illicit liquor. 他做过买卖私酒的生意.





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