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单词 trick 1
释义 [/trɪk; trɪk/] n

1 thing done in order to deceive or outwit sb 诡计; 计谋; 花招; 骗术:
play a trick on sb 对某人施用诡计 *
We need a trick to get past the guards. 我们需要用计骗过岗哨. *
You can't fool me with that old trick! 你玩弄那种老花招骗不了我! *
(fig 比喻) a trick of the light, ie that makes one see sth that is not there 光线引起的幻觉 *
[attrib 作定语] a `trick question 骗人的问题 *
`trick photography 特技摄影.

2 exact or best way of doing sth; particular technique 诀窍; 技巧; 技艺:
The trick is to hold your breath while you aim. 窍门就在於瞄准时须屏住呼吸. *
I can't open the box is there a trick to it? 这箱子我打不开--有什麽好办法吗? *
before artists had mastered the tricks of perspective 在画画的人掌握透视画法以前 *
I've never learnt the trick of making friends easily. 我一向不擅长轻易交上朋友.

3 skilful act performed for entertainment, esp one involving illusion 戏法; 把戏; (尤指)魔术手法:
conjuring tricks 变戏法 *
Let me show you some card tricks. 我来给你表演一些纸牌戏法. *
She had trained her dog to do tricks, eg to stand on its hind legs. 她把狗训练得能表演杂技动作(如用後腿站立).

4 characteristic habit; mannerism 特殊习惯; 习性; 毛病:
He has an annoying trick of saying `You know?' after every sentence. 他有个讨厌的口头语, 每句话後面都要来个`你知道吗?' *
My car has developed a trick of stalling on steep hills. 我的汽车出了个毛病, 一上山坡就熄火.

5 (cards played in) one round of a card-game (纸牌游戏的)一圈, 一墩, 一圈所打的牌, 一墩牌:
take/win a trick, ie win a round 赢一墩牌 *
How many tricks did we lose? 我们输了几墩了?

6 (idm 习语) be up to one's (old) `tricks (infml) be acting in a characteristic way that sb disapproves of 施展让某人不悦的惯技:
Half my money's gone -- you've been up to your tricks again, haven't you? 我的钱少了一半--又是你干的, 对不对? do the job/trick => job. every/any trick in the `book every/any trick that can be used to achieve what one wants 每一种[各种]著数或计谋:
I tried every trick in the book but I still couldn't persuade them. 我使尽了浑身解数也劝不动他们. *
He'll use any trick in the book to stop you. 他一定千方百计阻止你. have a `trick up one's sleeve have an idea, plan, etc that can be used if it becomes necessary 必要时可用的主意、 计画等; 袖里玄机; 袖里的鬼招儿. how's `tricks? (sl 俚) how are you? 你好吗? not/never miss a trick => miss3. teach an old dog new tricks => teach. ,trick or `treat (esp US) (phrase said by children who call at houses on Hallowe'en to receive sweets, etc and threaten mischief if they do not receive any 万圣节前夕儿童挨家索要糖果等的用语, 谓若不给则搞恶作剧). the ,tricks of the `trade (a) clever ways of doing things, known to and used by experts (内行人的)诀窍, 窍门.
(b) ways of attracting customers, gaining advantages over rivals, etc 吸引顾客、 在竞争中取胜等的手段; 生意经:
She's only been with us a month so she's still learning the tricks of the trade. 她到我们这里才一个月, 还正在学习行内乾坤. the whole bag of tricks => whole. trick 2

1 [Tn,] deceive (sb) 欺骗, 欺诈(某人):
You've been tricked. 你受骗了.

2 [] (a) ~ sb into sth/doing sth cause sb to do sth by means of a trick 用计诱使某人做某事:
She tricked him into marriage/into marrying her. 她施了个巧计诱他娶她为妻.
(b) ~ sb out of sth cause sb to lose sth by means of a trick; swindle 骗走某人的某物; 诈骗:
Her partner tried to trick her out of her share. 她的合伙人企图骗走她的股份.

3 (phr v) trick sb/sth out/up (in/with sth) decorate or ornament sb/sth 打扮或装饰某人[某物]:
tricked herself out in all her finery 把她自己竭尽所能打扮起来.





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