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单词 twist 1
释义 [/twɪst; twɪst/] v

1 (a) [Tn,, Tn.p] ~ sth (round sth/round) coil or wind sth round sth else 使某物缠绕或盘绕另一物:
I twisted the bandage round her knee. 我用 带缠住了她的膝盖. *
The telephone wirehas got twisted, ie tangled. 电话线缠绕在一起了.
(b) [Ipr,Ip] move or grow by winding round sth 以缠绕或盘绕方式运动或生长:
The snake twisted round my arm. 那条蛇盘绕在我的手臂上. *
The sweet peas are twisting up the canes. 香豌豆沿藤向上蔓生.

(a) [Tn,] ~ sth (into sth) turn or wind (threads, etc) to make them into a rope, etc 把(线等)捻或搓成绳等:
We twisted the bed sheets into a rope and escaped by climbing down it. 我们把床单搓成绳子, 援绳下坠逃跑了.
(b) [Tn,] ~ sth (from sth) make (a rope, etc) by doing this 捻成或搓成(绳子等):
twist a cord from/out of silk threads 把丝线搓成绳子.

3 (a) [Tn,] bend or crush (sth) so as to spoil its natural shape 扭曲或挤压(某物)使之变形:
His face was twisted with pain. 他疼得龇牙咧嘴. *
The car was now just a pile of twisted metal. 那辆汽车已经成了一堆压缩的废铁了. *
(fig 比喻) Failure left her bitter and twisted. 她失败後痛苦不堪, 失去常态.
(b) [I, Ipr] be bent or crushed in this way 扭曲或挤压变形:
The metal frame tends to twist under pressure. 这种金属框受压後容易变形.

4 (a) [Tn,, Tn.p] turn (sth) round; revolve 转动(某物); 旋转:
Twist the knob to the right setting. 把旋钮拧到适当的定位挡上. *
I twisted my head round to reverse the car. 我扭过头去把汽车向後倒.
(b) [I, Ipr, Ip] turn round; revolve 转动; 旋转:
I twisted round in my seat to speak to her. 我坐在位子上转过身来跟她说话. *
She was still twisting about in pain. 她疼得一个劲儿地打滚.

5 [I, Ipr, Ip] (eg of a road) change its direction often; wind (道路等)曲折, 盘旋:
Downstream the river twists and turns a lot. 这条河的下游弯弯曲曲. *
The path twisted down (the hillside). 那条小路(沿山坡)蜿蜒而下.

6 [Tn] injure (eg one's wrist) by turning it too far; sprain 扭伤(腕部等);  歪:
a twisted ankle 扭伤的踝关节.

7 [Tn,] deliberately give a false meaning to (words, etc) (故意)歪曲或曲解(词等)的意义:
The papers twisted everything I said. 报纸把我的话全都歪曲了. *
The police tried to twist his statement into an admission of guilt. 警方企图把他的话歪曲成承认有罪.

8 [I, Tn] (in billiards) (cause a ball to) move in a curved path while spinning (台球)(使球)侧旋前进.

9 (idm 习语) ,twist sb's `arm (infml) persuade or force sb to do sth 说服或强迫某人做某事:
She'll let you borrow the car if you twist her arm. 你要是硬要她把汽车借给你, 她就借给你. twist sb round one's little `finger (infml) (know how to) get sb to do anything that one wants (知道怎样)任意摆布某人:
Jane has always been able to twist her parents round her little finger. 简总是能够让父母顺著她.

10 (phr v) twist (sth) off (sth) (cause sth to) come or break off with a twisting movement (将某物)拧开, 扭断:
The cap should twist off easily. 这个帽儿应该容易拧开. *
I can't twist off the lid. 我拧不开这个盖子. twist 2
[/twɪst; twɪst/] n

1 [C] act of twisting sth (twist1 2, 4, 6); twisting movement 搓; 转; 扭; 拧; 旋转; 扭伤:
He gave my arm a twist. 他扭了一下我的手臂. *
With a violent twist, he wrenched off the handle. 他猛力一拧, 将那把手拧了下来. *
Give the rope a few more twists. 把那绳子再搓几下.

2 [C] (a) thing formed by twisting 搓捻而成之物:
a rope full of twists, ie kinks or coils 有很多扭结的绳子 *
a twist of paper, ie a small paper packet with screwed-up ends 末端拧紧的小纸袋.
(b) coiled shape 螺旋状:
a twist of smoke 缭绕的烟 *
a shell with a spiral twist 螺旋状贝壳.
(C) place where a path, etc turns (道路等的)弯曲处, 曲折处:
a twist in the road 道路的转弯处 *
the twists and turns of the river 这条河弯弯曲曲的地方.

3 [C] change or development 转折; 转变; 发展:
the twists and turns in the economy, market, policy 经济、 市场、 政策的转变 *
a strange twist of fate 命运的奇异改变 *
The story had an odd twist at the end. 那个故事煞尾处奇峰突出.

4 [sing] peculiar tendency in a person's mind and character 怪癖; 偏执:
the criminal twist in his personality 他个性中的犯罪癖.

5 [U, sing] spinning motion given to a ball to make it move in a curved path (加之於球上的)弧圈运动.

6 (idm 习语) get one's knickers in a twist => knickers. round the bend/twist => bend2.





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