[/ˈtɪrənɪ; ˋtɪrənɪ/] n 用法: 1 (a) [U] cruel, unjust or oppressive use of power or authority 暴虐; 残暴; 专横; 专制: a lifelong hatred of tyranny 终生对暴政疾恶如仇 * the tyranny of military rule 军事统治的残暴 * (fig 比喻) submit to the tyranny of inflexible office hours 屈从於硬性规定的办公时间. (b) [C esp pl 尤作复数] instance of this; tyrannical act 暴虐; 专横; 暴行: the petty tyrannies of domestic routine 内部惯常的专横做法. 用法: 2 [C, U] (country under the) rule of a tyrant 暴君统治(的国家). |