释义 |
[/vɪˈnjet; vɪnˋjɛt/] n 用法: 1 (a) illustration, esp on the title-page of a book, but not in a definite border (无框线的)小插图(尤指书籍扉页上的). (b) photograph or drawing, esp of a person's head and shoulders, with the background gradually shaded off 晕映照, 晕映画像(尤指半身的). 用法: 2 (fig 比喻) short written description of sth, a person's character, etc (描述某事物、 某人品性的)短文, 简介: charming vignettes of Edwardian life 描写爱德华时代生活的精妙短文. |