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单词 visit 1
释义 [/ˈvɪzɪt; ˋvɪzɪt/] v

1 [I, Tn] (a) go or come to see (a person, place, etc) either socially or on business or for some other purpose 去或来看(某人、 某处等)(可为社交或公事或其他目的):
No answer -- they must be out visiting. 没有人接电话--他们准是出门了. *
`visiting hours (ie when relatives and friends can see patients) at a hospital 医院里探望病人的时间 *
visit a friend, dentist,fortune-teller, etc 访友、 去看牙病、 去算命 *
Most tourists in London visit the British Museum. 去伦敦的游客多半要去参观不列颠博物馆.
(b) go or come to see (a place, an institution, etc) in order to make an official examination or check 去或来看(某地、 某机构)(为视察或检查):
The school inspector is visiting next week. 督学下周要来视察. *
The restaurant is visited regularly by public health officers. 这个餐馆有公共卫生部门官员定期前来检查.

2 [I, Tn] stay temporarily at (a place) or with (a person) 在(某地或某人处)逗留:
We don't live here, we're just visiting. 我们不住在这里, 只是短期停留. *
Owls visited the barn to rest. 猫头鹰飞落在谷仓处. *
I'm going to visit my aunt for a few days. 我打算去姑妈家住几天.

3 [Ipr] ~ with sb (US infml) visit sb, esp for an informal talk or chat 去某人处(尤指为闲谈或聊天):
Please stay and visit with me for a while. 请呆上一会儿跟我聊聊. =>Usage 见所附用法.

4 [] ~ sth on/upon sb/sth (arch 古) inflict punishment, etc on sb/sth 对某人[某事物]进行惩罚等:
visit the sins of the fathers upon the children, ie make the children suffer for their parents' failings 使子女因父母之过错而受惩罚. visit 2

1 ~ (to sb/sth) (from sb/sth) act or period of visiting; temporary stay 来或去见某人或到某处访问; 参观; 游览; 逗留:
It was his first visit to his wife's parents. 那是他第一次去看望岳父和岳母. *
pay a visit to a friend, a doctor, a prospective customer, etc 访友、 去看病、 去见客户洽谈生意 *
be, come, go on a visit to the seaside 在、 来、 去海滨游玩 *
the Queen's state visit (ie made for official or political reasons) to China 女王对中国的国事访问 *
regular visits from the landlord 房东经常登门.

2 (US infml) chat or talk 聊天; 谈话:
We had a nice visit on the phone. 我们在电话里谈得很高兴. visit 3
We can visit (US visit with) or go to see someone at home or at work. 去见在家中的或在工作处的某人可以说visit(用美式英语则说visit with), ?部伤礸o to see. *Come/Go and stay is used in informal English for a longer visit at somebody's house *come/go and stay是口语说法, 指到某人家里呆上一段时间:
Come and stay with us soon. 快来我们这里住些日子吧. *
I'm hoping to go and stay with my cousin Tom over Christmas. 我希望到我表哥汤姆那儿去过圣诞节. We call on someone for an official purpose 因公事去见某人可以说call on:
A representative of the company will call on you to assess the damage. 公司的代表将前往贵处评估受损失的状况. We call in on a friend for a short time, often when we are on our way to somewhere else *call in on常指在前往某处的途中顺便到友人处短暂停留:
We could call in on Patrick on the way to your mother's. 我们到你母亲家去, 不妨顺路到帕特里克家串个门儿. More informally, we drop by at somebody's (house), drop in on somebody or (in US English) visit with somebody when we make a casual visit to friends or relations *drop by、 drop in on或(在美式英语中作)visit with, 这些词组更多用於口语, 指随便到亲友家作客:
Let's drop in on Nick when we're in Bristol, shall we? 咱们在布里斯托尔的时候, 去看看尼克, 好吗?





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