[/ˈvɪʃɪeɪt; ˋvɪʃɪˏet/] v [Tn] (fml 文) 用法: 1 weaken or spoil the quality or efficiency of (sth) 削弱或损害(某事物)的性质或效能; 使(某物)变质; 败坏(某物): the vitiated atmosphere of our polluted inner cities 我们市中心区受到污染的恶浊的空气 * The serum is vitiated byexposure to the air. 血清暴露在空气中已变质. 用法: 2 weakenthe force of (sth); make ineffective 削弱(某事物)的力量; 使无效: vitiate a claim, contract, theory 使权利要求、 合同、 理论无效. |