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单词 war 1
释义 [/wɔː(r); wɔr/] n

1 (a) [U] (state of) fighting between nations or groups within a nation using military force 战争(状态):
the horrors of war 战争的恐怖 *
the outbreak (ie beginning) of war 战争的爆发 *
The border incident led to war between the two countries. 这一边境事件导致了两国交战. *
the art (ie tactics and strategy) of war 兵法(战略和战术) *
the fortunes of (ie what may happen in) war 战争中可能发生的事 *
The government wanted to avoid war at all costs. 政府拟不惜一切代价避免战争. *
civil war 内战.
(b) [C] instance or period of such fighting 战争(期间):
during the Second World War 在第二次世界大战期间 *
He had fought in two wars. 他参加过两次战争. *
If a war breaks out, many other countries will be affected. 一旦战争爆发, 许多国家都要受到波及.

(a) [C, U] competition, conflict or hostility between people, groups, etc 竞争; 冲突; 对抗:
the class war 阶级斗争 *
a trade war 贸易战 *
There was a state of war between the rivals. 竞争对手间已处於敌对状态.(b) [sing] ~ (against sb/sth) efforts made to eliminate disease, crime, etc (为消灭疾病、 犯罪现象等的)斗争:
a major step in the war against cancer 在战胜癌症方面迈出的一大步 *
Little progress has been made in the war against drug traffickers. 打击贩毒分子的斗争无甚进展.

3 (idm 习语) at war in a state of war 处於交战状态:
The country has been at war with its neighbour for two years. 这个国家与邻国已打了两年仗了. carry the war into the enemy's camp => carry. declare war => declare. go to war (against sb/sth) start fighting a war (against sb/sth) (向某人[某事物])开战. have been in the `wars (infml or joc 口或谑) show signs of being injured or badly treated 受过伤; 受过虐待; 吃过苦. make/wage war on sb/sth (a) fight sb/sth with weapons 用武器与某人[某事物]作战. (?Bb) try to eliminate sth 努力消灭某事物:
wage war on crime, disease, poverty, etc 与犯罪现象、 疾病、 贫困等作斗争. a war of `nervesattempt to defeat an opponent by gradually destroying his morale, using threats, psychological pressures, etc 神经战. a war of `words (campaign of) verbal abuse 舌战; 笔战; 论战:
As the election approaches the war of words between the main political parties becomes increasingly intense. 大选在即, 主要政党间的论战愈演愈烈. war 2
v (-rr-) [I] (arch 古) engage in a war or conflict 进行战争; 交战; 作战:
warring tribes 交战的部落.





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