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单词 wear 1
释义 [/weə(r); wɛr/] n [U]

1 wearing or being worn as clothing 穿著; 戴著; 佩带著:
a suit for everyday wear 一套日常穿的衣服 *
Cotton is suitable for wear in summer. 棉制品适於夏季穿用.

2 (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) things for wearing; clothing 穿戴的衣物:`children's/`ladies' wear 儿童的[女用的]衣物 *
`menswear男装 *
`underwear 内衣 *
`footwear 鞋袜 *
`sportswear 运动服装.

3 (damage or loss of quality caused by) use 使用; 用损; 用坏:
These shoes are showing (signs of) wear. 这双鞋(看样子)穿坏了. *
The carpet gets very heavy wear. 这块地毯已严重磨损.

4 capacity for continuing to be used 耐用性:
There is still a lot of wear left in that old coat. 那件旧大衣还可以穿很久.

5 (idm 习语) ,wear and `tear damage, deterioration, strain, etc caused by ordinary use (正常使用造成的)损坏, 损耗, 用坏:
The insurance policy does not cover damage caused by normal wear and tear. 保险单内容不包括正常使用所导致的损坏. the worse for wear => worse. wear 2
[/weə(r); wɛr/] v (pt wore [/wɔː(r); wɔr/], pp worn /wR:n; wRrn/)

1 [Tn,, Cn.a] have (sth) on one's body, esp as clothing, as an ornament, etc 穿戴, 佩带(衣物等); 留, 蓄(毛发等):
wear a beard, coat, hat, ring, watch 留胡须、 穿大衣、 戴帽子、 戴戒指、 戴手表 *
Bowler hats are not often worn nowadays. 现在戴常礼帽的已不多见了. *
She was wearing sun-glasses. 她戴著墨镜. *
She never wears green, ie green clothes. 她从不穿绿色的衣服. *
He wore a gold chain round his neck. 他戴著金项链. *
She wears her hair long, ie has long hair. 她留著长发. =>Usage 见所附用法.

2 [Tn] have (a certain look) on one's face (脸上)流露(某种神态):
He/His face wore a puzzled frown. 他皱著眉显出不解的样子. *
(fig 比喻) The house wore a neglected look. 这所房子像是无人照管的样子.

3 [Tn] (infml) (esp in questions and negative sentences 尤用於疑问句和否定句) accept or tolerate (sth, esp sth that one does not approve of) 同意或容忍(尤指不赞成的事物):
He wanted to sail the boat alone but his parents wouldn't wear it. 他要独自驾驶船航行, 但他父母不让.

4 [La, I, Tn,, Cn.a] (cause sth to) become damaged, useless or reduced by being used, rubbed, etc (使某物)用损, 用坏, 磨损, 消耗:
The sheets have worn thin in the middle. 床单的中间部分磨薄了. *
The carpets are starting to wear. 地毯渐渐磨坏了. *
That coat is starting to look worn. 那件大衣已显得旧了. *
The lettering on the gravestone was badly worn and almost illegible. 墓碑上的文字已严重磨损难以辨认. *
I have worn my socks into holes. 我的袜子穿破了. *
The stones had been worn smooth by the constant flow of water. 这些石头不断经流水冲刷已很光滑.5 [] make (a hole, groove, path, etc) in sth by constant rubbing, dripping, etc (某物因不断磨擦、 受水滴侵蚀等)造成(洞、 沟、 道等):
I've worn holes in my socks. 我的袜子穿破了. *
Look at the holes that have been worn in this rug. 瞧瞧这块小地毯上磨出的洞. *
The children have worn a path across the field where they walk each day to school. 这些孩子每天上学穿过田地踩出了一条路. *
The water had worn a channel in the rock. 水把岩石冲出了一条沟.

6 [I] endure or be capable of enduring continued use 耐用:
You should choose a fabric that will wear well, ie last a long time. 你应该挑选耐穿的料子. *
(fig 比喻) Despite her age she had worn well, ie still looked quite young. 别看她岁数大, 可长得少相.

7 (idm 习语) wear one's ,heart on one's `sleeve allow one's emotions, esp one's love for sb, to be seen 流露出感情; (尤指)对某人示爱. wear `thin begin to fail 逐渐失去作用或消失:
My patience is beginning to wear very thin. 我有些不耐烦了. *
Don't you think that joke's wearing a bit thin (ie because we've heard it so many times)? 你不觉得那个笑话已经没什麽意思了吗? wear the `pants/`trousers (often derog 常作贬义)(usu of a woman) be the dominant person in a relationship, esp a marriage (通常指女子)作主, 当家, 掌权(尤指婚姻关系):
It's quite clear who wears the trousers in that house! 很清楚那家谁说了算!

8 (phr v) wear (sth) away (cause sth to) become thin, damaged, weak, etc by constant use (使某物)用薄、 用细、 用坏或用旧等:
The inscription on the coin had worn away. 铸造在硬币上的文字已经磨损. *
The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of visitors. 参观的人成千上万, 把台阶踩得不像样子了. wear (sth) down (cause sth to) become gradually smaller, thinner, etc (使某物)逐渐变小、 变细、 变薄等:
The tread on the tyres has (been) worn down to a dangerous level. 轮胎胎面花纹已经磨损得到了能发生危险的地步了. wear sb/sth down weaken sb/sth by constant attack, nervous strain, etc (因不断攻击、 精神紧张等)使某人[某事物]衰弱:
She was worn down by overwork. 她因过度劳累而垮了下来. *
The strategy was designed to wear down the enemy's resistance. 这一策略旨在逐步削弱敌人的抵抗力. wear(sth) off (cause sth to) disappear or be removed gradually(使某事物)逐渐消失或除去:
The dishwasher has worn the glaze off the china. 这些瓷器经常用洗碗机清洗, 光泽都消失了. *
The novelty will soon wear off, ie It is only attractive because it is new. 这种新奇的感觉很快就会消失. *
The pain is slowly wearing off. 疼痛的感觉正在 慢慢消退. wear on (of time) pass, esp tediously (指时间)过去(尤指觉得沉闷):
As the evening wore on, she became more and more nervous. 当晚的时间过得很慢, 她越来越紧张了. *
His life was wearing on towards its close. 他的生命即将完结. wear (sth) out (cause sth to) become useless, threadbare or exhausted through use (使某事物)用得不能再用、 用坏或耗尽:
I wore out two pairs of boots on the walking tour. 我徒步旅行穿坏了两双靴子. *
Her patience had/was at last worn out. 她终於忍无可忍了. wear sb out cause sb to become exhausted; tire sb out 使某人精疲力竭或厌烦:
They were worn out after a long day spent working in the fields. 他们在地里干了一整天的活儿, 累得疲惫不堪. *
Just listening to his silly chatter wears me out. 我听著他无聊的话把我烦透了. wear 3
We wear clothes, including gloves and scarves, also belts, spectacles, even perfume on our bodies *wear这个动词用以表示穿衣物, 包括戴手套、 围巾, 还用於系腰带、 戴眼镜, 甚至喷洒香水:
Do you have to wear a suit at work? 你们上班得穿西装吗? *
She was wearing her mother's coat. 她穿著她母亲的大衣. *
Are you wearing aftershave? 你刮完胡子搽润肤液吗? We carry objects when we take them with us, especially in our hands or arms *carry这个动词用以表示随身携带东西, 尤指用手或手臂:
He wasn't wearing his raincoat, he was carrying it over his arm. 他没穿著雨衣而是把它搭在胳膊上. *
She always carries an umbrella in her briefcase. 她总是在公事包里带著一把伞.





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