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单词 wing 1
释义 [/wɪŋ; wɪŋ/] n

1 [C] (a) either of the pair of feathered limbs that a bird uses to fly (鸟的)翅膀, 翼. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page iv.
(b) either of the similar projecting parts that an insect or a bat uses to fly (昆虫或蝙蝠的)翅膀, 翼. =>illus at butterfly 见butterfly插图.
(C) thing that is similar to this, eg the thin projection on the seeds of maple or sycamore trees 翼状物(如槭树或西克莫树的翅果).

2 [C] part that projects from the side of an aircraft and supports it in the air (飞行器的)翅膀, 机翼. =>illus at aircraft 见aircraft插图.

3 [C] part of a building that projects from the main part 建筑物突出的侧面部分; 侧厅; 耳房:
the east/west wing of a house 一所房子的东[西]耳房 *
build a new wing of a hospital 建一座与一医院一侧相连的楼房.

4 [C] (Brit) (US fender) projecting part of the bodywork of a motor vehicle above the wheel 翼子板:
The nearside wing was damaged in the collision. 汽车碰撞时左侧的翼子板撞坏了. *
[attrib 作定语] a wing mirror 装在翼子板上的後视镜. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page xii.

5 [C] either of the flanks of an army lined up for battle (军队作战阵势的)翼, 侧翼.

6 [C usu sing 通常作单数] part of an organization, esp a political party that holds certain views or has a particular function (组织中的)派, 翼(尤指党派中持某观点或起某作用的):
the radical wing of the Labour Party 工党中的激进派. Cf 参看 left-wing (left2), right-wing (right5).

7 [C] (a) side part of the playing area in football, hockey, etc (足球、 曲棍球等场地的)边侧:
playing on the wing 踢边锋 *
kick the ball out to the wing 把球踢到场地边侧.
(b) (also winger) (in football, hockey, etc) either of the forward players whose place is at the extreme end of the forward line (足球、 曲棍球等的)边锋队员:
the team's new left wing 这个球队新的左边锋.

8 (Brit) (a) [C] (in the Royal Air Force) unit of two or more squadrons (英国皇家空军的)联队.
(b) wings [pl] (in the Royal Air Force) pilot's badge (英国皇家空军的)飞行徽章:
get one's wings 获得飞行徽章.

9 the wings [pl] (in a theatre) area to the right and left of the stage that is hidden from the audience by curtains, scenery, etc 舞台上观众看不到的侧面:
She stood watching the performance from the wings. 她站在舞台上的侧面观看演出. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page ix.

10 (idm 习语) clip sb's wings => clip2. (wait, etc) in the `wings ready to do sth or to take over from sb 准备做某事或接替某人:
He retires as chairman next year; his successor is already waiting in the wings. 他明年从主席职位上退下, 继任人已做好接任准备. on the `wing (while it is) flying 在飞行中:
photograph a bird on the wing 拍摄飞著的鸟. spread one's wings => spread. take `wing fly away 飞走. under sb's/one's `wing under sb's/one's protection 在某人的[自己的]保护下:
She immediately took the new arrivals under her wing, ie looked after them. 她立刻去照看那些新来的. wing 2

1 [Ipr, Ip,, Tn.p] travel on wings; fly 飞行:
planes winging (their way) across the sky 飞过天空的飞机.

2 [Tn] (a) wound (a bird) in the wing 弄伤(鸟)的翅膀.
(b) wound (sb) slightly, esp in an arm 微伤(某人)(尤指手臂). winged adj (often forming compound adjs 常用以构成复合形容词) having wings, esp of the specified number or type 有翅膀的(尤指有某数目或某类型的):
winged insects 有翅膀的昆虫 *
delta-winged aircraft 三角翼飞机.





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