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单词 word 1
释义 [/wɜːd; wəd/] n

1 [C] (a) sound or combination of sounds that expresses a meaning and forms an independent unit of the grammar or vocabulary of a language (用声音表达的)词:
The story is told in words and pictures. 讲这个故事的时候配有图片. *
The Latin word for `table' is `mensa'. `table(桌子)'这个词在拉丁语里叫`mensa'. *
He couldn't put his feelings into words, ie express them verbally. 他无法把自己的感情用言语说清楚. *
I have no words to (ie cannot adequately) express my gratitude. 我说的话不足以表达我的感激之情.
(b) this represented as letters or symbols, usu with a space on either side (用书面形式表达的)词:
That word is not spelled correctly. 那个词拼得不正确. *
The words in the dictionary are arranged in alphabetical order. 词典中的词是按字母顺序排列的.

(a) [C] anything said; remark or statement (说的)话; 话语; 言语:
He didn't say a word about it. 他对这件事一句话都没说. *
I don't believe a word of his story. 他说的这件事我一句话都不相信. *
a word/a few words of advice, sympathy, warning 一些劝告、 同情、 警告的话.
(b) words [pl] things that are said, contrasted with things that are done 说的话(与做的事相对):
You must show your support by deeds, not words. 你必须用行动支持, 不能空口说白话.

3 [sing] (a) (without a or the 不用冠词a或the) piece of news; message 消息; 信息:
Please send (me)/leave word of your safe arrival/that you have arrived safely. 请您把平安到达的消息告诉我. *
Word came that I was needed at home. 有信儿来说家里需要我.
(b) the word rumour 谣言; 传闻:
The word is that he's left the country. 据说他已经离开这个国家了.

4 (usu 通常作 the word) [sing] spoken command or signal 口令; 号令:
Stay hidden until I give the word. 我不下令就藏著别动. *
Their word is law, ie their commands must be obeyed. 他们的命令必须服从.

5 the Word [sing] (also the ,word of `God) (Bible 圣经) the Scriptures, esp the Gospels 《圣经》; (尤指)福音:
preach the Word 传福音 *
Hear the Word of God. 听宣讲《圣经》.

6 (idm 习语) actions speak louder than words => action. at the ,word of com`mand when the (military) order is given 发(军)令时. bandy words => bandy1. be as ,good as one's `word do what one has promised to do 守信:
You'll find that she's as good as her word. 你能了解到她这个人很讲信用. be better than one's word => better1. be not the `word for sth/sb (infml) be an inadequate description of sth/sb 不足以形容某事物[某人]:
Unkind isn't the word for it! He treats the animals appallingly! 岂止是`不好'! 他对待动物是太不成话了! breathe a word => breathe. by ,word of `mouth in spoken, not written, words 口头上(的):
He received the news by word of mouth. 他得到的是口头的消息. a dirty word => dirty1. eat one's words => eat. exchange words => exchange2. famous last words => famous. fighting talk/words => fight1. (right) from the word `go (infml) right from the start 从一开始:
She knew (right) from the word go that it was going to be difficult. 她从一开始就知道这件事很难办. (not) get a word in `edgeways (not) be able to interrupt sb who is very talkative (不)能(在某人不断谈话时)插嘴. give sb one's `word (that...)/have sb's `word for it (that...) promise sb/be promised by sb (that...) 许诺某人[得到某人的许诺]:
You have my word for it that the goods will arrive on time. 我向你保证货物一定准时到达. go ,back on one's `word fail to fulfil a promise that one has made 食言. hang on sb's lips/words/every word => hang1. (not) have a good word to `say for sb/sth (infml) (not) say anything at all favourable about sb/sth (不)说某人[某事物]的好话:
He doesn't have/seldom has a good word to say for Britain. 他从不[很少]说英国的好话. have, etc the last word => last1. have a word in sb's `ear speak to sb in private/confidentially 和某人说私话[秘密话]. have a `word (with sb) (about sth) speak (to sb) (about sth), esp privately or confidentially (对某人)说(某事)(尤指私下的或秘密的事):
Could we have a word before you go to the meeting? 你去开会之前, 咱们能私下说句话吗? have `words (with sb) (about sth) quarrel (with sb) (about sth) (为某事)(与某人)争吵. a household name/word => household. in a `word briefly 一句话; 简言之:
In a word, I think he's a fool. 总之, 我认为他是个傻瓜. in `other words expressed in a different way; that is to say 换句话说; 也就是说. (not) in so many `words (not) in exactly the same words as are claimed or reported to have been used (并非)一字不差. in words of `one syllable using very simple language 使用极简单的语言. keep/break one's word do/fail to do what one has promised 守信[失信]. one's last word => last1. the last word => last1. a man/woman of his/her `word person that does what he/she has promised to do 守信用的人. mum's the word! => mum1. (upon) my `word! (dated or fml 旧或文) (exclamation expressing surprise or consternation用作表示惊奇或惊恐的叹词):
My word, you're back early!咦, 你回来得真早哇! not a `word (to sb) (about sth) don't say anything; be silent! (关於某事)(对某人)什麽也别说; 别说!:
Not a word (to Mary) (about what I said)!(我说的话)千万别(对玛丽)说! not to mince matters[/words ê> mince. a play on words ê> play…. put in/]say a (good) `word for sb say sth in sb's favour in order to help him 为某人说好话相助. put `words in sb's mouth suggest that sb has said sth when he has not 硬说某人说过某话:
She accused the journalist of putting words in her mouth. 她指责该新闻工作者把报道 的事硬说成是她说过的. ,say the `word (infml) give an order, a signal, etc 发命令、 信号等:
If you want me to leave, you only have to say the word. 你要是想让我走, 尽管说出来就是了. swallow one's words => swallow2. take sb at his `word believe exactly what sb says or promises, without question 完全相信某人的话或承诺而毫不怀疑. take sb's `word for it (that...) accept sth on sb's authority 认为某人有权威性而相信他的话:
I'll take your word for it that it won't happen again. 我相信你说的此事下不为例这句话. take the `words (right) out of sb's mouth say just what sb else was about to say 说出某人要说的话. too funny, outrageous, sad, shocking, etc for `words so funny, etc that it cannot be expressed in words; extremely funny, etc 有趣、 可耻、 悲痛、 令人震惊...得难以言传; 极为有趣、 可耻、 悲痛、 令人震惊等. a war of words => war. weigh one's words => weigh. ,without a `word without saying anything 什麽也没说:
He left without a word. 他一句话都没说就走了. ,word for `word in exactly the same or (in translation) exactly equivalent words; verbatim 逐字地; (在翻译方面)一字对一字, 使用对应词:
He repeated what you said word for word. 他一字不差地复述了您说的话. *
[attrib 作定语] a ,word-for-word ac`count, repe`tition, trans`lation 逐字的复述、 重复、 翻译. sb's ,word is as ,good as his `bond sb's promise can be relied upon completely 某人说的话可以绝对相信. one's ,word of `honour a solemn promise 庄严的承诺. a ,word to the `wisean intelligent person can take a hint, draw his own conclusions, etc without a lot of explanation 对聪明人一点就透(不必详加解释). word 2
v [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] express (sth) in particular words; phrase (sth) 用词语表达(某事); 选用(词语):
The advice wasn't very tactfully worded. 这份通知措辞不太策略. *
a carefully worded reminder 措辞严谨的催促通知 *
Be careful how you word your answer. 回答时要字斟句酌. wording n [sing] words used to express sth; way in which sth is expressed (用以表达某事物的)词语; 说法; 措辞:
A different wording might make the meaning clearer. 换一种说法意思可能清楚些.





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