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单词 wriggle 1
释义 [/ˈrɪgl; ˋrɪɡl/] v

1 [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] (cause sth to) make quick, short, twisting and turning movements (使某物)扭动, 蠕动, 蜿蜒行进:
Stop wriggling (about) and sit still! 不要扭来扭去, 坐著别动! *
I can't brush your hair if you keep wriggling all the time. 你要是一直扭来扭去, 我就没法给你梳头了. *
The baby was wriggling its toes. 那个小孩扭动著脚趾.

2 [La, Ipr, Ip,, Tn.p, Cn.a] move or make (one's way) in the specified direction with wriggling movements 沿某方向扭动、 蠕动或蜿蜒行进:
The thieves left her tied up with rope but she wriggled (herself) free. 窃贼用绳子把她捆了起来, 但她扭动著(身子)挣脱开了. *
The eel wriggled out of my fingers. 那条白 从我指缝中一扭就滑走了. *
They managed to wriggle (their way) through the thick hedge.他们设法钻过了厚厚的树篱. *
He had to wriggle his way out. 他得扭著身子才钻了出来.

3 (phr v) wriggle out of sth/doing sth (infml) avoid (doing) an unpleasant task by being cunning or by making excuses 靠耍滑或找藉口避免(做)(讨厌的工作):
It's your turn to take the dog for a walk don't try to wriggle out of it. 轮到你把狗带出去遛一遛了--别想逃避不做. *
She managed to wriggle out of answering all the questions. 她支吾其词避免回答一切问题. wriggle 2
n (usu sing 通常作单数) wriggling movement 扭动; 蠕动; 蜿蜒行进.





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