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单词 at that rate(at this rate)
释义 rate , at that ~: at this ~— 841
1a. at that rate 这个短语作“要是那样的话”或“那么”讲, at this rate 这个短语作“这样下去”讲,并非同义。
At that rate, I will let them apart and go different ways.
At this rate, those plantation owners will no longer lord it over colonial people. 照这样下去,那些种植园主就不能再对殖民地各族人民作威作福了。
If you go on at that rate, you'll take great troble. 要是照那样下去,你势必要大吃苦头。
He was badly duped at this rate. 他就是这样大上其当的。
1b 作“那样下去”和“这样下去”讲,两者所含的意境色彩出入不大,可以通用。
We can't go on spending money at that rate. 照那样挥霍下去,我们将难以为继了。(改用 at this rate 也可以)
We can't afford to go on living at this rate for long. 照这样生活下去,我们将无以为继了。(改用 at that rate 也无不可)
2. at that rate 又可作“长此以往”讲, at this rate 又可作“照这样发展下去”讲。
It is foolish to live up to the last penny of your income and put nothing by for possible emergencies ; you'll always be hard up at that rate. 你把自己收入的钱花个精光,不留下钱以备急需,照这样过日子是很不妥的;长此以往你就会感到拮据。
Nothing but delays all the way ! At this rate we shall not get to our destination before midnight 路上老是耽搁!照这样继续下去,半夜前我们也到不了目的地。




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