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单词 by(with)
释义 by : with — 192
1a. 这两个介词都可以表达结果,但前者总是指方式方法(参见词目 186 、 187 、 188 、 189 、 190 和 191 ),而后者则多半是指工具。
I killed the spider by hitting it. 我已把蜘蛛拍死了。(指手段)
I killed the spider with newspaper. 我已用报纸把蜘蛛拍死了。(指工具)
He got what he wanted by talking very cleverly. 他说话巧妙,得以遂心所欲。(指办法)
He got what he wanted with flowers and chocolates. 他用送花和巧克力这些东西来遂其心愿。(指具体东西)
1b. 用于被动语态,前者是引导媒介或授动者,而后者则是引导工具或手段。
Some people are intoxicated with success. 有些人被胜利冲昏了头脑。
All at once the boy awoke in his room, already flooded withthe gold of morning sun. 这孩子立即惊醒,金光闪闪的阳光把屋子照得通明。
It is the wounded oyster that mends its shell with pearl. 唯有受了伤的牡蛎才用珍珠来修补自己的贝壳。
The spider was killed by a stone. 蜘蛛是被一块石头砸死的。( =A stone fell and killed it. )
The spider was killed with a stone. 蜘蛛是用一块石头砸死的。( Somebody used a stone to kill it. )
The spy was bound by the police. 这个间谍已被警察捆绑起来了。
The spy was bound with a chain. 这个间谍已被人用链条捆绑了起来。
The spy was bound by the police with a chain. 这个间谍已被警察用链条捆绑了起来。
1c. 但另有一些名词要用前者去引导,不用后者去引导。
by ( electric ) light ; by land ; by post ; etc.
by the dozen ; by yard ; by thousand ; etc.
We shall never be frightened into submission by thethreat of war. 我们决不会被战争的威胁所吓倒。
The baby can be easily frightened with loud voices. 小宝宝容易被噪声所惊吓。
2a. 用作“用以”讲,这两个介词是同义,但也有一些不同:前者多半引导抽象名词,而后者多半引导具体名词,——当然,也还有一些其它的不同。试举例来说明。
The streets are lighted by electricity. 街道是用电来照明的。(引导抽象名词)
The streets are lighted with electric lamps. 街道是由电灯来照明的。(引导具体名词)
The road was cleared by bulldozer. 马路是用推土机来清除的。( by=by means of )
The road was cleared with a bulldozer. 马路是用一辆推土机清除的。( with=with the help of )
The policeman struck the secret agent by the hand. 警察打在特务的手上。(是特务的手)
The policeman struck the secret agent with the hand. 警察用手打特务。(是警察的手)
2b. 有些名词在抽象或具体的划分问题上难以辨别;这时候,只好依据习惯分别使用 by 和 with 来引导。
by one's leave ; by main force ; by help of ; etc.
with one's permission ; with might and main ; with the helpof ; etc.




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