释义 |
continual : continuous — 245 这两个形容词所表达的“赓续”这一概念,前者偏重“一再”,后者偏重“衔接”。 例如: I can't work with continual interruption. 这样一再打扰,我没法工作。 There was continuous fighting on the frontier all day yesterday. 昨天边境的战事打了一整天没有停过。 He hated these continual arguments with his wife. 他不愿同他妻子没完没了地拌嘴。 The brain needs a continuous supply of blood. 人的大脑需要源源不断地供给血液。 Do you hear the continual ringing of the doorbell? 你可听见门铃响了又响吗? The ticking of the clock is continuous. 时钟的滴答声响个不停。