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单词 go on doing sth(go on to do sth)
释义 go on doing sth : go on to do sth — 412
1a. 这两个短语动词并非同义, go on doing sth 作“继续进行”讲,而 go on to do sth 则是“接着进行”的意思(注: go on to do sth 在美国使用较为普遍,有的语法学家认为 go on 搭配不定式短语是错误的,但事实上,在英国也渐渐使用开了)。
As I closed the door I saw him take up a book and go onreading from where he had left off. — Maugham. 当我关上房门的时候,我看见他拿起一本书,从原先停顿的地方继续读下去。
We thought it over, but it seemed too hasy for argument , andI went on to ask if there had been any discoveries at Baskul. — Hilton. 我们考虑了一下,但似乎又拿不出有力的论据,于是接着问了他在巴斯库有没有新的情况。
He went on asking me what I had done. 他继续问我干了些什么。
He went on to ask me what I had done. 他接着问我已干了些什么。
Let me go on reading chapter four. 让我继续读第四章。(这章尚未读完)
Let me go on to read chapter five. 让我接下去读第五章。(上一章已读完)
1b. 后者又可作“凭以进行”使用,即作“ use as a reason , proof , or base for further action ”解说使用,而前者则不能这样使用。
A bloody handkerchief and the name “ Margaret ” were allthe police had to go on to catch the killer. — P. Procter. 警察就是凭血迹斑斑的手绢和“玛格丽特”名字这两个罪证而把凶手抓起来的。
What have you to go on to blame me like that? 你凭什么要那样责备我呢?




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