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单词 if(unless)
释义 if : unless — 448
1a. 这两个连词虽非同义——前者是作“如果”讲(参见词目 446 、 447 、 449 和 450 ),后者是作“除非”讲,相当于 if not 的用法,有时却容易混淆。
If the water is pure, it will not need further treatment.
Unless the water is pure, it will need further treatment. 除非水是清澈的,否则就需要再加以处理了。
You can see him if it's urgent. 要是情况紧急的话,你可以去见他。
You can't see him unless it's urgent. 除非情况紧急,否则你不能去见他。
1b. 因此,前者要连接否定的条件从句,后者则要连接肯定的条件从句。
If you don't study hard, you will not pass the examination. 你要是不用功读书,你就考不上。
Unless you study hard, you will not pass the examination. 除非你用功读书,否则你就考不上。
If he has no objection, we will carry out the plan. 他要是不反对,我们就照计划进行吧。
Unless he has some objection, we will carry out the plan. 除非他反对,否则我们就照计划进行。
1c. 同前者不一样,后者不宜用于虚拟结构。(注:只在文学作品中我们常能见到把它用于虚拟结构。)
If he weren't so silly he would understand what you have said. 要是他不那么笨拙,他准会理解你所说的话的意思。
(不说 Unless he were so silly …)
If I hadn't stopped her she would have jumped. 要是我没有阻拦她,她准会跳楼。(不说 Unless I had stopped her …)
1d. 同后者又不一样,由前者连接的从句往往含有“捉摸不定”的义蕴,所以可以加饰 ever 这个副词和 any 这个形容词。
If you ever have any trouble, just let me know. 你如有什么困难,就通知我好了。(不说 If you ever have some trouble …)
I won't phone you, unless something unforeseen happens. 要是没有什么意外之事发生,我就不打电话给你了。(不说…, unless anything unforeseen happens )
1e. 唯一相同的是:两者都可以构成省略结构——省去主语和用作系动词的 be 。
If ( you are ) in need , please don't hesitate to let us know.
如有需要,请你尽管通知我们好了。(可以省去“ you are ”) The baby is never peevish , unless ( it is ) sick. 小宝宝不生病,决不会吵吵闹闹的。(可以省去“ it is ”)




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