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单词 may as well… as(might as well… as)
释义 well , may as ~… as : might as ~… as — 1151
may as well as 这个复合连词作“可以……,同样也可以……”讲,意思是说,对比两个事例时,着重指出第一个事例和第二个事例相同; might as well as 这个复合连词则是“不可以……同样也不可以……”的意思,就是说,对比两个事例时,着重指出两者全不可能。
In my mind, one may as well not know a thing at all as know it but imperfectly. 我认为,与其一知半解,倒不如一无所知。
You might as well expect the river to flow backward as hope to move me. 你希望我心动,这比希望河水倒流还难。
You may as well call a cat a liltle tiger as call a tiger a big cat. 你可以叫猫是只小老虎,正象你可以叫老虎是只大猫一样。
You might as well reason with a wolf as try to persuade that man. 你不能同狼讲理,同样也不能同那个人理喻。




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