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单词 much(very)
释义 much : very — 587
1a. 如果副词或形容词是比较级或最高级,要用前者这个副词去修饰(参见同目 585 );是原级,则要改用后者这个副词去修饰(参见词目 582 和 766 )。
Socialism is a much higher social system than capitalism. 社会主义是比资本主义更高级的社会制度。
This is much the quietest place in town. 这里是城区中最静僻的地方。
They considered him ( to be ) too lazy to be a very good worker. 他们认为他过于懒惰,不配当一名象样的工人。
I am very fond of vegetables. 我很喜欢吃蔬菜。
Thoughts come much faster than we can put them on paper. 思潮涌来时要比把它写下来快得多。(比较级要用 much 去修饰)
Thoughts come very fast before we can put them on paper. 在把思潮写下来之前,它已一瞬而过。( very 只能修饰原级)
1b. 使用后者来修饰最高级,只限于那个被修饰的词本身的最高级;就是说,用了 most 来构成最高级,就不能用后者来修饰了。
That day they all put on their very best dress. 那天,他们大家都穿上了最好的衣服。(不说… their very most beautiful dress )
None of them work the very least they can. 他们谁也没有少干一点活。(不说… the very most little they can )
1c. 而且,这样使用,两者在句中的词序也不一样。
Tom is much the best student in our class. 在我们班里,汤姆是个最棒的学生。
Tom is the very best student in our class. 在我们班里,汤姆是个最棒的学生。
2a. 不是用作形容词的过去分词,要用前者来修饰;是用作形容词的过去分词,则要改用后者来修饰。
We are much inspired by the magnificent prospects of the extensive socialist construction in our country. 我国社会主义建设的宏伟前景使我们受到很大鼓舞。
This film has been much admired, much discussed , much criticized. 这部影片大受赞赏,大招议论,大受批评。
We are very concerned about the exchange in scientific and technological know-how between countries. 我们非常关心科技知识的国际交流。
We are very pleased to hear the news of victory keeping pouring in. 听到捷报频传,我们大为高兴。
Miss Ross is very interested in stamp collecting. 罗斯小姐对于集邮颇感兴趣。
2b. 有些过去分词已丧失作谓语动词的功能,同一般形容词几乎没有区别;对于这类过去分词,使用后者去修饰是允许的,但有一点:如果是用作定语,仍得用前者去修饰。
We were very interested in their discussion. 我们对于他们的讨论很感兴趣。
That guy is very worried about his position. 那个家伙很担心丢失饭碗。
What sort of ware is their much advertised “ united action ”?
He is a much tested leading cadre. 他是一个久经考验的领导干部。




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