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单词 that(which)
释义 that : which-804
1a. 前者这个关系代词只能搭用限制性从句(参见词目 801 、 803 、 805 和 806 ),而后者这个关系代词则不受这一限制。
Here is the photo ( that ) I took before the Tian An Men last week. 这就是我上星期在天安门前拍的照片。(在 that 之前不加标逗号)
Here is your novel, which I have enjoyed very much. 这是你借给我的小说,真好看。(在 which 之前要加标逗号)
1b. 同后者又不一样,前者在用作宾语时,不能用介词来引导,——要用,也只能把它放在句末。
The people that you meet with are not always the people you wish to meet. 你所遇到的人往往不一定就是你所想要遇见的人。(不说 The people with that you meet …)
The spare-time school that I spoke of has been set up. 我提起过的那所业余学校已经建立起来了。(不说 The spare-time school of that I spoke …)
This is the room that he used to work in. 这一间就是他过去工作过的房间。( in 要后置)
This is the room in which he used to work. 这一间就是他过去工作过的房间。( in 要前置)
1c. 遇到如下情况,要用 that ,不用 which :第一,在形容词 same 和 all 之后;第二,在先行词 all 、 who 、 everything 、 nothing 、 something 、 anything 、 little 等之后;第三,在两个或两个以上的先行词之后;第四,在饰有数词的先行词之后;第五,在饰有最高级形容词的先行词之后。
This is the same old tune that he sang before. 这是他以前唱过的同一个老调。(例一)
Who that stands in the forefront of the times will become shock 、 worker on the new Long March. 谁站在时代最前线,谁就是新长征的突击手。(例二)
They also told of the enemies and the tanks that were captured in the field. 他们又谈到在战场上俘虏的敌人和缴获的坦克。(例三)
The first thing that we should do is to set strict demand on ourselves. 我们必须做的第一件事是,严格要求自己。(例四)
This is the best film ( that ) I have ever seen. 这是我所看过的影片中最好的一部。(例五)
1d. 用作宾语,前者往往可以省去;但在某些场合,省不省去这个代词,意义不全一样。试举例来说明。
This is the best film ( that ) I have ever seen. 这是我所看过的影片中最好的一部。( that 可以省去)
Do you really understand all ( that ) Marx said in his work? 你是不是真的理解马克思在他著作中所说的话?( that 也可以省去)
Name any book that you like to read. 只举你喜欢看的书。(不喜欢看的,不用举。)
Name any book you like to. 你喜欢举什么书就举什么书?
( = Name any book you like to name )




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