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therm(o)- 1 thermocouple thermodynamics thermoelectric thermometer
thermonuclear thermoplastic Thermos thermosetting thermostat
thermostatic thermostatically the roadway the Roman alphabet the sack 1
the safe period the same the sandman thesaurus these
the second coming the Security Council the seventh day thesis the small hours
the Social and Liberal Democrats (abbr 缩写 SLD) the solar system the solar year the Son of God, the Son of Man the ,South `Pole
the Spanish Main Thespian Thespian (also thespian) the Stars and Stripes the State Department
the sterling area the Stone Age the sulks the supernatural the ,Supreme `Being
the Supreme Court the Supreme Soviet the synoptic gospels the third dimension the Third World
the three Rs the triple jump the unconscious the undermentioned the underprivileged
the undersigned the unemployed the unexpected the Union Jack (also the Union flag) the United Kingdom (abbr 缩写 (the) UK)
the United Nations (abbr 缩写 (the) UN) the United States (of America) (abbrs 缩写 (the) US, USA) the unwaged the unwary the Upper Chamber (also the Upper House)
the utmost (also the uttermost) the vitals the weak the West Country the West End
the White House the wicked the Wild West the `women's movement the working class (also the `working classes)
they they'd the yellow press they'll they're
they've thick 1 thicken thickening thicket
thick-headed thickly thickness thickset thick-skinned
thief thieve thievery thievish thievishly
thigh thigh-bone thimble thimbleful thin 1
thine 1 thing things considered thingummy think 1
thinkable think ahead (to sth) think back (to sth) thinker think for oneself
thinking 1 thinking-cap think of sth/doing sth think sth out think sth over
think sth through think sth up think-tank thinly thinner
thinness third 1 third degree third degree burn thirdly
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