[/beə(r); bɛr/] n 用法: 1 large heavy animal with thick fur 熊: polar bear 北极熊 * grizzly bear 大灰熊. =>illus 见插图. 用法: 2 rough or ill-mannered person 粗鲁的或横蛮的人. 用法: 3 (finance 财) person who sells stocks, shares, etc, hoping to buy them back at lower prices 出售自己的证券、股票等, 希望以较低价格购回的人; 股票看跌的人: [attrib 作定语] a `bear market, ie a situation in which share prices are falling rapidly 卖空的市场(股票价格急剧跌落的行情). Cf 参看 bull1 3. 用法: 4 (idm 习语) a bear garden place or meeting at which there is much rough or noisy behaviour 嘈杂喧闹的场所或会议. like a ,bear with a sore `head (infml) irritable; bad-tempered 易怒的; 脾气坏的: When he's just woken up he's like a bear with a sore head. 他刚睡醒时, 非常暴躁. bear 2 [/beə(r); bɛr/] v (pt bore[/bɔː(r); bɔr/], pp borne/bR:n; bRrn/) 用法: 1 [Tn] show (sth); carry visibly; display 显示(某事物); 明显地带有; 表现: The document bore his signature. 这份文件有他的签字. * The ring bears an inscription. 这个戒指上刻有字. * The coach bears the royal coat of arms. 这辆大马车上有王室的盾形纹章. * I saw a tombstone bearing the date 1602. 我见到一块刻有1602年字样的墓碑. * He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars. 他在战争中受了重伤, 现在仍有伤疤. * She bears little resemblance to (ie is not much like) her mother. 她长得不太像她的母亲. * The title of the essay bore little relation to the contents, ie was not much connected with them. 这篇文章的题目和内容不大相符. 用法: 2 [Tn] be known by (sth); have 以(某事物)为人所知; 具有: a family that bore an ancient and honoured name 名门世家 * A married woman usually bears her husband's surname. 女子出嫁以後通常随夫姓. 用法: 3 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (dated or fml 旧或文) carry (sb/sth), esp while moving 携带(某人[某物])(尤指於移动中): bear a heavy load 负重 * three kings bearing gifts 进贡的三位国王 * They bore his body to the tomb. 他们把他的遗体抬到墓地. * The canoe was borne along by the current. 那独木舟顺流而下. =>Usage at carry 用法见 carry. 用法: 4 [Tn] (a) support (sb/sth); sustain 支撑(某人[某事物]); 支持: The ice is too thin to bear your weight. 冰太薄, 承受不住你的重量. (b) take (responsibility, etc) on oneself; shoulder 负起(责任等); 肩负: Do the bride's parents have to bear the cost of the wedding? 要由新娘的父母来负担婚礼所需的费用吗? * The President has to bear the blame. 总统难辞其咎. * He's a carefree fellow who bears his responsibilities lightly. 他是个满不在意不大负责的人. 用法: 5 (a) [Tn, Tt, Tg, Tsg] (more informal, with can/could, in negative sentences or questions多用於口语, 在否定句或疑问句中与can[could]连用) endure (sth); tolerate; stand 忍受; 忍耐; 承受: The pain was almost more than he could bear. 这样的痛苦几乎使他受不了. * She bore her sorrow without complaint. 她毫无怨言地忍受著悲痛. * I can't bear (having) cats in the ho ht to bear on us to finish the work on time. 我们受到压力, 必须如期完成这项工作. grin and bear it => grin. 用法: 12 (phr v) bear sth/sb away/off (dated or fml 旧或文) seize and carry away 捉走; 夺走; 拿走: They bore off several captives. 他们抓走了几个俘虏. * He bore away (ie won) the first prize. 他夺得(赢得)了头奖. bear down sb/sth overcome or defeat sb/sth 战胜或击败某人[某事物]: bear down the enemy, all resistance 击垮敌人; 镇压一切反抗. bear `down on sb/sth move quickly and threateningly towards sb/sth 向某人[某事物]迅速逼近: The angry farmer was bearing down on us. 那个怒气冲冲的农民迅速地向我们逼来. `bear on sth relate to sth; affect sth 与某事物有关; 对某事物有影响: These are matters that bear on the welfare of the community. 这些都是涉及社会福利的问题. bear sb/sth `out support (sb); confirm (sth) 为(某人)作证; 证实(某事物): The other witnesses will bear me out/bear out what I say. 其他证人会为我[为我所说的话]作证. bear `up (against/under sth) be strong enough not to despair; cope; manage 不气馁; 对付; 处理: He's bearing up well against all his misfortunes. 他以坚强的意志对待他所有的不幸. `bear with sb/sth tolerate sb/sth patiently 耐心地忍受某人[某事物]: We must bear with her (ie treat her with sympathy) during this difficult period. ?i在此困难时期, 我们对她一定要忍让(对待她要有同情心). * If you will bear with me (ie listen patiently to me) a little longer... 请耐心容我把话说完.... bear 3 NOTE ON USAGE 用法: The verb bear (past participle borne) in the sense of `give birth to' is formal *bear(过去分词为 borne)这一动词作`生育'解时较文雅: bear a child 生孩子 * She's borne him six children. 她给他生育了六个孩子. Less formal is 较通俗的说法是: She's had six children. 她生了六个孩子. The past participle borne is not used in the passive in this sense. 过去分词borne作`生育'解时不用被动语态. There is another past participle born, which is used only in the passive voice 另有一过去分词born, 仅用於被动语态: She was born in 1954. 她生於1954年. * Ten children are born in this hospital every day. 这所医院每天有十个孩子出生. * He was born to/of wealthy parents. 他出生於有钱人家. |