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单词 cry 1
释义 [/kraɪ; kraɪ/] v (pt, pp cried)

1 [I, Ipr, Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] ~ (for/over sth/sb); ~ (with sth) weep; shed (tears) 哭; 流(泪):
He cried because he had hurt his knee. 他摔伤膝盖哭了起来. *
cry for joy, ie because one is happy 喜极而泣 *
The child was crying for (ie because he wanted) his mother. 那孩子哭著要妈妈. *
cry with pain, hunger, etc 痛、 饿...得哭起来 *
How many tears have I cried over (ie because of) you? 我为你流了多少眼泪呀! =>Usage 见所附用法.

(a) [I, Ip] ~ (out) (of people, animals, birds) make loud wordless sounds expressing fear, pain, etc (指人、 野兽、 禽鸟)大叫(表示恐惧、 疼痛等):
The monkeys cry (out) shrilly when they see danger. 猴子遇到危险时尖声大叫. *
She cried (out) in pain when her tooth was pulled out. 她拔牙时痛得叫了起来. =>Usage at shout 用法见shout.
(b) [Ipr, Ip, Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] ~ (out) (for sth) call out loudly in words; exclaim 喊; 喊叫; 呼喊:
He cried (out) for mercy. 他大声求饶. *
`Help, help!' he cried. `救命啊, 救命啊!'他喊道. *
(rhet 修辞) But what about the workers, I hear you cry, ie say. 然而工人们又如何呢, 你说说看.

3 [Tn] (dated 旧) announce (goods, etc) for sale by calling out 叫卖(商品等):
cry one's wares 叫卖货物.

4 (idm 习语) cry one's `eyes/`heart out weep bitterly 痛哭. cry over spilt `milk express regret for sth that has happened and cannot be remedied 为已经发生而无法补救的事懊悔:
You've broken it now; it's no use crying over spilt milk! 你现在既已把它损坏了, 後悔是没有用的! cry/sob oneself to sleep => sleep1. cry `wolf say there is danger when there is none 喊狼来了; 发假警报. for ,crying out `loud (used to express protest 用以表示抗议):
For crying out loud! Why did you do that? 我的天哪! 你为什麽要干那种事? laugh till/until one cries => laugh.

5 (phr v) cry sth down say that sth is not very good, important, etc 贬低某事物:
Don't cry down her real achievements. 不要贬低她真正的成就. cry off withdraw from sth one has promised to do 取消自己的诺言; 打退堂鼓:
I said I would go, but had to cry off at the last moment. 我是说过要去的, 但事到临头却不得不改变了主意. cry out for sth demand sth; require sth 要求某事物; 需要某事物:
People are crying out for free elections. 人民要求自由选举. *
This system is crying out for reform, ie urgently needs to be reformed. 这种制度亟需改革. cry 2
Compare cry, sob, weep, wail and whimper. 试比较cry、 sob、 weep、 wail、 whimper这五个词. They all indicate people expressing emotions, often with tears. 这些词均指强烈感情的表现, 常伴有眼泪. Cry has the widest use and may be the result of unhappiness, joy, etc or, especially with babies, of physical discomfort *cry使用最广, 可为出於难过、 喜悦等或因身体不适(尤指小儿):
The little boy was crying because he was lost. 那小孩因迷路而哭. *
Babies cry when they are hungry. 婴儿肚子饿了就哭. Weep is more formal than cry and can suggest stronger emotions *weep比cry文雅, 可表示更为强烈的感情:
The hostages wept for joy on their release. 人质获释时喜极而泣. Sob indicates crying with irregular and noisy breathing *sob意为啜泣. It is usually associated with misery 通常与伤心事有关:
He sobbed for hours when his cat died. 他的猫死了, 他抽抽搭搭地哭了半天. Children whimper with fear or in complaint 儿童因害怕或抱怨而哭用whimper. *Wail indicates long noisy crying in grief or complaint *wail意为痛哭或嚎啕大哭(因悲痛或哀怨):
The mourners were wailing loudly. 送葬的人都嚎啕大哭. Note that all these verbs can be used instead of `say' to indicate a way of speaking 注意以上各词均可代替`say'使用, 表示这种说话的方式:
`I've lost my daddy,' the little boy cried/sobbed/wept/whimpered/wailed. `我找不到爸爸了,'小孩哭著[抽抽搭搭地/哭哭啼啼地/呜呜咽咽地/痛哭流涕地]说. cry 3
[/kraɪ; kraɪ/] n

1 [C] (a) loud wordless sound expressing grief, pain, joy, etc 大叫声(表示悲伤、 疼痛、 喜悦):
a cry of terror 惊恐的叫声 *
the cry of an animal in pain 动物的疼叫声.
(b) loud utterance of words; call; shout 叫喊; 呼喊; 呼叫:
angry cries from the mob 闹事的人群愤怒的叫喊.
(C) (usu sing 通常作单数) characteristic call of an animal or a bird 动物的嚎叫; 鸟鸣:
the cry of the rook 秃鼻乌鸦的鸣叫.

2 [sing] act or period of weeping 哭的动作或期间:
Have a good long cry:
it will do you good. 痛痛快快地哭一场吧, 哭出来就好受了.

3 [C] (dated 旧) words shouted to give information 大声传叫的话语:
the cry of the night-watchman 守夜人的大声传叫 *
the old street cries of London, eg `Fresh herrings!' 伦敦街上熟悉的叫卖声, 如`鲜鲱鱼!'

4 [C] (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) slogan or phrase, used for a principle or cause 口号; 标语:
a `battle-cry *
a `war-cry *
`Lower taxes' was their cry (ie their public demand). 他们的口号是`减税'.

5 (idm 习语) a far cry from sth/from doing sth => far1. hue and cry => hue2. in full cry => full.





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