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单词 grave 1
释义 [/greɪv; ɡrev/] adj (-r, -st)

1 (fml 文) (of situations, etc) needing careful consideration; serious (指情况等)需认真考虑的, 严重的, 严峻的:
This could have grave consequences. 这会造成严重後果. *
grave news, danger, etc 重要的新闻、 严重的危险 *
There is a grave risk of flooding. 有闹水灾的极大危险. *
a sick person in a grave condition 危重病人 *
a situation that is graver/more grave than expected 超出预料的严峻形势 *
a grave mistake, error, etc 严重的错误、 过失等.

2 (of people) serious or solemn in manner (指人)严肃的, 一本正经的:
He looked grave. `Is there anything wrong?' I asked. 他表情严肃. `是出事了吗?'我问. grave 2
[/greɪv; ɡrev/] n

1 hole dug in the ground for a dead body; mound of earth or monument over it 墓穴; 坟墓; 坟头; 墓碑:
strewing flowers on her grave 往她墓上撒花.

2 the grave [sing] (rhet 修辞) death; being dead 死亡:
from the cradle to the grave, ie from birth till death 由生至死 *
Is there life beyond the grave, ie after death? 死後还有生命吗?

3 (idm 习语) dig one's own grave => dig1. from the cradle to the grave => cradle. have one foot in the grave => foot1. turn in one's `grave (saying 谚) of a person who is already dead, likely to be offended or angry 死後不得安生:
You can't go out dressed like that. It's enough to make your grandmother turn in her grave! 你千万别穿戴成那样子出去. 那会让你祖母躺在坟里也不得安生. grave 3
[/grɑːv; ɡrɑv/] n (also ,grave `accent) mark placed over a vowel to indicate how it is to be sounded (as in French mere) 钝音符.





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