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单词 iron 1
释义 [/ˈaɪən; US ˈaɪərn; ˋaɪɚn/] n

1 [U] (chemistry 化) common hard silver-white metallic element capable of being magnetized and used in various forms 铁:
cast iron 铸铁 *
wrought iron 熟铁 *
scrap iron 废铁 *
as hard as iron 铁一般的坚硬 *
[attrib 作定语] iron ore, ie rock containing iron 铁矿石 *
an iron bar, gate, railing, ie made of iron 铁棒、 铁门、 铁栏. =>App 10 见附录10.

2 [C] implement with a smooth flat base that can be heated to smooth clothes, etc 熨斗:
a `steam-iron 蒸汽熨斗. =>illus 见插图.

3 [C] (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) tool made of iron 铁制的工具:
`fire-irons, ie poker, tongs, etc used at a fireplace *
a `branding-iron, eg for marking cattle, etc. =>illus 见插图.

4 [C] golf-club with an iron or steel head (高尔夫球的)铁头球棒. Cf 参看 wood 4.

5 [C usu pl 通常作复数] metal splint or support worn on the leg (腿上用的)金属夹板或夹具.

6 irons [pl] fetters 镣铐:
put/clap sb in irons, ie fasten his wrists and ankles in chains 给某人戴上镣铐.

7 [U] a preparation of iron as a tonic 铁质补剂.

8 [U, esp attrib 尤作定语] (fig 比喻) (showing) physical strength or moral firmness or harshness 坚强; 刚强; 坚定; 冷酷:
have an iron constitution, ie very good health 有钢铁般的强壮体魄 *
a man of iron 铁汉 *
have a will of iron/an iron will 有钢铁般的意志 *
impose an iron rule, ie rule very strictly 施以铁腕.

9 (idm 习语) an ,iron ,fist/,hand in a ,velvet `glove an appearance of gentleness concealing severity, determination, etc 外柔内刚. have many, etc irons in the fire have many resources available or be involved in many undertakings at the same time 有多种现成手段; 同时参与很多事务. rule with a rod of iron => rule. strike while the iron is hot => strike2. iron 2
[/ˈaɪən; US ˈaɪərn; ˋaɪɚn/] v

1 [I, Ip, Tn] smooth (clothes, etc) with an iron1(2) (用熨斗)熨平(衣物等):
This material irons well/easily, ie the creases come out quickly. 这种材料很好熨. *
She was ironing (away) all evening. 她整个晚上都在熨衣服. *
I prefer to iron my shirts while they are still damp. 我喜欢在衬衫尚潮湿时熨烫.

2 (phr v) iron sth out (a) remove sth by ironing 用熨烫方法去除某物:
iron out creases 把皱褶熨平.
(b) (fig 比喻) resolve sth by discussion 通过商讨解决:
iron out misunderstandings, problems, difficulties, etc 消除误会、 解决问题、 排除困难.





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